What Do You Want to Learn About Visual Marketing?
We've got everything you need to rock your online presence, including the best quotes for social engagement. Fix those pesky Facebugs and Instaglitches with social media troubleshooting tips. And learn all things color!
Here are a few favorite places to start:
For the best impact on social media, size your images right! Read our always-updated guide – and download the cheat sheet!
The colors you see can impact your mood – and decisions! Explore why color is so important, and learn how to use it with power.
Struggling with what to post on social media? These holidays inspire popular and engaging posts. Make graphics for even more impact!
Or Try These Topics!

Your Visual Marketing Expert
Hi, I'm Louise! I've left behind my graphic design career to help YOU make an impact on social media with striking graphics and engaging quotes in just the right colors. My former clients include Macy's, Disney, and Walmart. I'm also known as "that lady who loves color"!
Praise for LouiseM Visual Social Media
Louise, you are the bomb! I am so happy I found your site – I can not believe the wealth of knowledge here, and the generosity of sharing this with us. Social media has always felt overwhelming to me, but not any more.

Maureen Becker
I’m helping one of my clients to design pins… that’s how I found your site, where I’ve already learned SO MUCH about social media and graphic design!! It’s been a huge help so just wanted to say thanks!

Louise Cotrell
Virtual Assistant
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