Looking for social media holidays?
I find them essential for spicing up my content marketing. Everyone loves a holiday!
Christmas, Thanksgiving, Black Friday, the Oscars, and the Super Bowl are core holidays that resonate with most audiences.
Then toss in a couple quirky and fun events, so you can surprise your audience with unusual promotional campaigns.
In this article, you’ll learn:
- The BEST social media holidays for 2025.
- How to use holiday marketing to build brand awareness.
- How to create your holiday marketing strategy.
- How to get ready-to-post content for your social platforms!
You’ll find the top holidays on colorful infographics, AND find links to more seasonal marketing ideas and quotes.
There you can download a FREE printable social media holiday calendar each month, with daily ideas.
Lots to learn, so let’s get going!
Why Use Holiday Marketing?
If you’ve ever struggled with what to post on your social media channels, you’ll find that these holidays inspire popular posts!
Few people will “like” a post about your product or blog post, but nearly everyone who sees a post saying Happy New Year will give it a “like.”
With a cool graphic, they might even share it!
Due to social media algorithms, this engagement is crucial to your social media success. Posts that don’t get immediate engagement are not shown to many of your followers on virtually every social platform. The algorithms think they’re boring.
Don’t be boring!
Not only are holiday posts successful – they’re a great way for your followers to associate positive feelings with your business.
So lets have some fun while we make your followers smile!
Creating a Social Media Holiday Strategy
Some business owners can jump into almost every holiday out there. Food bloggers, for example, can use the hundreds of holidays each year for different foods.
But for most of us, it’s worth taking a moment to make sure that the holiday is relevant to our target audience.
For example, it might seem a bit weird for a baby nursery to celebrate a gardening holiday. Wrong type of nursery!
Choose the relevant holidays and hashtags
When building your strategy, go through each month and pick the holidays and their hashtags that make the most sense for your business.
Popular hashtags can build a relationship with your customers. But they need to be the right ones. Don’t send out loads of posts around social media holidays just to fill your content calendar.
Understand what the holiday is about
Once you have a shortlist of holidays to use, do a little research into them.
- What’s the background?
- Does it mean what it sounds like it means?
- Are there any negative associations that you don’t want tied up with your brand?
Also refer to your social media strategy and if the holiday can help.
Does it help get more followers? Build relationships? Network with other businesses?
If it ticks the boxes, it can move to your social media campaign plan.
Check to see if it works
Once you’ve been following a plan for social media holidays for a quarter or even six months, take a good look at the posts.
Do they get the engagement or reactions that you were aiming for? Do people comment or share them?
Use the analytics information to help you decide what to do going forward.
Look at social media holidays differently
Before diving into the dates, here’s one more thing to consider. Don’t always see social media holidays as just a way to post engaging content.
Depending on the holiday, it can be a good time to run a promotion, offer a discount code, or to launch a special bundle. Especially the small business or entrepreneur holidays.
Just be sensitive to other holidays that have a deeper meaning and that aren’t commercial at all.
Social Media Holidays 2025
Now let’s check out the most popular holidays for 2025!
The top holidays are summarized on a social media holidays infographic for each season. Pin it for reference, and to return to this article easily.
January 2025 Social Media Holidays
January is the month of new beginnings. Kick it off with entertaining content!
Your audience will enjoy seasonal quotes – and you’ll enjoy the engagement you get from them! Try these winter quotes and these snow quotes.
Or pick from a large selection of January quotes.
Does your audience need help getting back on track in their work or business? Create a campaign with these productivity quotes and tips.
1. Wednesday, New Year’s Day #NewYearsDay
Try these funny New Year’s quotes.
7. Tuesday, I’m Not Going To Take It Anymore Day #ImNotGoingToTakeItAnymoreDay
8. Wednesday, Elvis Presley & David Bowie’s birth anniversary #ElvisBirthday & #BowiesBirthday
10. Friday, Peculiar People Day #PeculiarPeopleDay
16. Thursday, Get to Know Your Customers Day #GetToKnowYourCustomersDay
Celebrated on the third Thursday each quarter.
20. Monday, Martin Luther King, Jr. Day #MLKDay
21. Tuesday, National Hugging Day #NationalHuggingDay
24. Friday, National Compliment Day #NationalComplimentDay
28. Tuesday, Data Privacy Day #PrivacyAware
Find ALL of January’s special days here: January Holidays.
February 2025 Social Media Holidays
February may be the shortest month, but it doesn’t lack inspiring holidays.
Abraham Lincoln quotes make engaging social media posts for his birthday on February 12, as well as for Presidents’ Day.
You’ll find plenty of quotes for every day of the month in this collection of 85 February quotes.
And if it’s relevant to your niche, you might want to encourage your audience with these self-love quotes in this “Month of Love.”
2. Sunday, Groundhog Day #GroundhogDay
4. Tuesday, Facebook’s Birthday #FacebooksBirthday
9. Sunday, National Pizza Day #NationalPizzaDay
9. Sunday, Super Bowl LIX #SBLIX
14. Friday, Valentine’s Day #ValentinesDay
Learn how to make Valentine graphics.
17. Monday, Presidents’ Day #PresidentsDay
20. Thursday, Love Your Pet Day #LoveYourPetDay
22. Saturday, National Wildlife Day #NationalWildlifeDay
27. Thursday, National Retro Day #RetroDay
Find all of February’s special days here: 300 February Holidays.
March 2025 Social Media Holidays
This is the month to march forth. Check out these March quotes.
2. Sunday, Academy Awards #AcademyAwards
Here’s a fun look back at the top movie quotes from the 80s.
7. Friday, National Employee Appreciation Day #EmployeeAppreciationDay
First Friday in March.
7. Friday, National Be Heard Day #NationalBeHeardDay
8. Saturday, International Women’s Day #BeBoldForChange
Share one or more of these success quotes from women!
9. Sunday, Daylight Saving Time begins #DaylightSaving
Where DST is observed in the US, it always begins on the second Sunday in March at 2am.
15. Saturday, World Consumer Rights Day #WCRD2025
17. Monday, St. Patrick’s Day #StPatricksDay
Try these St Patrick’s Day post ideas or these St Patrick’s Day quotes.
20. Thursday, First Day of Spring #FirstDayofSpring
It’s a perfect day to share one of these Spring quotes.
27. Thursday, Celebrate Exchange Day (a day for businesses to share ideas) #CelebrateExchangeDay
More March special days here: 400 March Holidays.
April 2025 Social Media Holidays
Ah, April! In most parts of the Northern Hemisphere, Spring is in full swing.
You’ll find enough quotes for every day of the month in this collection of 72 April quotes.
1. Tuesday, April Fools Day #AprilFools
What to post? Check out these April Fool’s Day quotes and images.
10. Thursday, National Siblings Day #NationalSiblingsDay
11. Friday, National Pet Day #NationalPetDay
16. Wednesday, National Wear Your Pajamas to Work Day #PJDay
Celebrated the day after US Tax Day.
17. Thursday, Get to Know Your Customers Day #GetToKnowYourCustomersDay
Observed 4 times annually on the third Thursday of each quarter.
20. Sunday, Easter #HappyEaster
22. Tuesday, Earth Day #EarthDay2025
These love for nature quotes are perfect for Earth Day!
28. Monday, National Superhero Day #NationalSuperheroDay
There are loads more April Holidays.
May 2025 Social Media Holidays
This month, may the force be with you 🙂
1. Thursday, May Day #MayDay
4. Sunday, Star Wars Day #StarWarsDay #Maythe4thBeWithYou
5. Monday, Cinco de Mayo #CincoDeMayo
6. Tuesday, National Nurses Day #NursesDay
11. Sunday, Mother’s Day #MothersDay
How about some sweet short flower quotes for Mom’s Day?
15. Thursday, International Day of Families #FamilyDay
20. Tuesday, National Be a Millionaire Day #MillionaireDay
26. Monday, Memorial Day #MemorialDay #MDW
30. Friday, National Creativity Day #NationalCreativityDay #CreativityDay #CreativityEveryday
Don’t miss these powerful creativity quotes.
You can find 500 more May Holidays.
June 2025 Social Media Holidays
Since June’s flower is the rose, these rose quotes might inspire a series of posts.
Instagrammer? These lake quotes and captions may prove useful for those vacay pics.
1. Sunday, National Say Something Nice Day #SaySomethingNice
6. Friday, National Donut Day #NationalDonutDay
Celebrated on the first Friday in June.
8. Sunday, Best Friends Day #BestFriendsDay
13. Friday, Kitchen Klutzes Day #KitchenKlutzesDay #KitchenKlutz
15. Sunday, Father’s Day #FathersDay
20. Friday, First Day of Summer #SummerSolstice
Turn up the heat with these summer quotes!
21. Saturday, National Selfie Day #NationalSelfieDay
27. Friday, Micro-, Small-, And Medium-Sized Enterprises Day, #MSMEDay25
30. Monday, Social Media Day #SMDay
Of course, there are lots more fun June Holidays.
July 2025 Social Media Holidays
Summer is in full swing! If you take some time off at poolside, share a photo or two to help your followers connect. These pool quotes and captions will come in handy!
Check out these Independence Day quotes – perfect to celebrate the Fourth, or any U.S. patriotic holidays.
If neither of those light your fire, we’ve also got 100 July quotes.
4. Friday, Independence Day (United States) #4thOfJuly
7. Monday, World Chocolate Day #WorldChocolateDay
11. Friday, Free Slurpee Day (7/11) #FreeSlurpeeDay
15. Tuesday, Give Something Away Day #GiveSomethingAwayDay
17. Thursday, World Emoji Day #WorldEmojiDay
17. Thursday, Get to Know Your Customers Day #GetToKnowYourCustomersDay
Always the third Thursday each quarter.
18. Friday, Nelson Mandela International Day #MandelaDay
24. Thursday, Tell an Old Joke Day #TellAnOldJokeDay
31. Thursday, National Mutt Day #NationalMuttDay
Go out of the ordinary with more July Holidays.
August 2025 Social Media Holidays
It’s August! Is summer dragging on? Keep your audience inspired with these best inspirational quotes, with tips on how you can use them!
Or perhaps you want to inspire them that summer is almost over with these end of summer quotes.
1. Friday, World Wide Web Day #WorldWideWebDay
8. Friday, International Cat Day #InternationalCatDay
9. Saturday, National Book Lovers Day #NationalBookLoversDay
10. Sunday, National Lazy Day #LazyDay
15. Friday, National Relaxation Day #NationalRelaxationDay
16. Saturday, National Tell a Joke Day #NationalTellAJokeDay
19. Tuesday, World Photo Day #WorldPhotoDay
26. Tuesday, National Dog Day #NationalDogDay
Find hundreds of additional August Holidays.
September 2025 Social Media Holidays
After a long and relaxing summer, your audience might appreciate being stirred back to action with these best motivational quotes.
Or keep it seasonal with September quotes, or these Summer to Fall quotes, about halfway down that page.
1. Monday, Labor Day #LaborDay
In the US, Labor Day is always the first Monday of September.
5. Friday, National Lazy Mom’s Day #NationalLazyMomsDay
Always the first Friday of September.
6. Saturday, Read a Book Day #ReadABookDay
7. Sunday, National Grandparents Day #NationalGrandparentsDay
Always the first Sunday after Labor Day.
11. Thursday, National Day of Service and Remembrance #PatriotsDay
21. Sunday, International Day of Peace #PeaceDay
22. Monday, First Day of Fall #FirstDayOfFall
In the Northern Hemisphere, the autumnal equinox is usually on September 22 or 23, but can even occur on the 21 or 24. When equinox occurs, the day and night are almost equal in most locations.
29. Monday, National Coffee Day (US and Canada) #NationalCoffeeDay
In total, there are nearly 500 September Holidays.
October 2025 Social Media Holidays
Autumn has arrived! October is the month of fall colors and falling leaves. Just for fun, you might want to share some of these fall quotes, or these October quotes.
Interest in all things Halloween is at a fever pitch all month. Learn how to Halloween your social media profile pictures.
Be sure to check out my page of Halloween quotes!
You might also enjoy this collection of free Halloween coloring pages.
1. Wednesday, International Coffee Day #InternationalCoffeeDay
3. Friday, World Smile Day #WorldSmileDay
Always celebrated on the first Friday of October. Don’t miss these smile quotes!
4. Saturday, National Taco Day #NationalTacoDay
13. Monday, National Train Your Brain Day #TrainYourBrainDay
14. Tuesday, National Dessert Day #DessertDay
16. Thursday, Boss’s Day #BosssDay #BossesDay
16. Thursday, Get to Know Your Customers Day #GetToKnowYourCustomersDay
Always the third Thursday each quarter.
30. Thursday, National Checklist Day #ChecklistDay
31. Friday, Halloween #Halloween
More observances here: 600 October Holidays.
November 2025 Social Media Holidays
It’s time for November quotes! November is the month of gratitude. Share the joy of thanksgiving with your followers with these gratitude quotes.
1. Saturday, National Author’s Day #NationalAuthorsDay
2. Sunday, Daylight Saving Time ends #DaylightSaving
Where DST is observed in the US, it always ends on the first Sunday in November at 2am.
11. Tuesday, Veterans Day #VeteransDay
13. Thursday, World Kindness Day #WorldKindnessDay
18. Tuesday, National Entrepreneurs Day #EntrepreneursDay
Always occurs on the third Tuesday of November.
27. Thursday, Thanksgiving Day (US) #Thanksgiving
In the US, Thanksgiving is always celebrated on the fourth Thursday in November.
28. Friday, Black Friday #BlackFriday
Black Friday is always the day after Thanksgiving. Business owners, don’t miss these Black Friday marketing ideas.
29. Saturday, Small Business Saturday #ShopSmall
Small Business Saturday is always the Saturday after Thanksgiving.
Here are 300+ more November Holidays.
December 2025 Social Media Holidays
In December, people’s focus turns to holiday parties and gifts! Meet your audience’s interests and needs with these resources.
Use these Christmas marketing ideas to keep things jolly.
At a loss for words? Here are 170 Christmas slogans and sayings for your marketing, cards, and more.
Mix in some Christmas quotes or December quotes that are funny, cute, about family and love, and more! Or perhaps these Christmas Bible verses are a good fit for your audience.
1. Monday, Cyber Monday #CyberMonday
Cyber Monday is always the Monday after Thanksgiving, which means it could occur between November 26 and December 2, depending on the year.
2. Tuesday, Giving Tuesday #GivingTuesday
Giving Tuesday is always the Tuesday after Thanksgiving. So sometimes it happens in December.
4. Thursday, National Cookie Day #NationalCookieDay
6. Saturday, St. Nicholas Day #StNicholasDay
12. Friday, Poinsettia Day #PoinsettiaDay
14. Sunday, Hanukkah begins #Hanukkah
Hanukkah, or Chanukah, begins on the Hebrew calendar date of 25 Kislev, and lasts for eight days. The dates on the Gregorian calendar (the calendar in current use in the Western world) can vary greatly year to year.
20. Saturday, Super Saturday #SuperSaturday
Super Saturday is always observed on the Saturday before Christmas Eve.
21. Sunday, First Day of Winter #WinterSolstice
Winter Solstice occurs on the shortest daylight day of the year. In the Northern Hemisphere, this is on December 21 or 22, but in the Southern Hemisphere it would be June 20 or 21.
24. Wednesday, Christmas Eve #ChristmasEve
25. Thursday, Christmas Day #MerryChristmas
31. Wednesday, New Year’s Eve #NYE Try these funny New Year’s Eve quotes.
You might also enjoy this collection of free Christmas coloring pages.
Find ALL of December’s special days here: 250 December Holidays.
Which Social Media Holidays for your Business?
There are truly holidays for every business and personality. Some days have 10 or more to choose from!
But just knowing the holidays doesn’t mean you’ll:
- Remember which happens when.
- Know how to use them in your marketing.
- Or have time to come up with eye-catching images and engaging captions to go with them.
That’s why there’s Your Social Plan!
Your Social Plan is a daily posting plan that combines beautiful, done-for-you content with powerful business-building prompts so you’ll never wonder what to post again.
Fill your social media content calendar with 3 posts every day:
M – Motivational / Inspirational
V – Visibility Boosting
P – Promotional / Business Building
Check out Your Social Plan now and save hours on your social media marketing each month!
Disclosure: If you purchase, I may earn a commission, at no cost to you.
Social Media Holidays for the Win!
In this article, we covered:
- The BEST social media holidays for 2025.
- Why you should use holiday marketing.
- How to create a holiday marketing strategy.
- How to make your own graphics for your holiday marketing.
- How to organize the best ideas for your business, and keep them handy.
Missed something? Go back and review! Here’s a quickie overview of the top themes monthly.
What to do next?
- Save this article to Pinterest, or bookmark for future reference.
- Click through to the current month’s marketing ideas post and download its holiday calendar.
- For ready-to-post content, check out Your Social Plan.
Disclosure: If you purchase YSP, I may earn a commission, at no cost to you.
Whichever way you go – infographics, downloadable monthly calendar, DIY graphics inspiration, or done-for-you content – you’re sure to give your marketing a boost with these social media holidays!
Angela M. Peters says
This is such a great resource! Social media holidays are a fun way to keep content fresh and engaging—plus, they’re perfect for adding personality to a brand. Can’t wait to start planning for 2025.
Louise Myers says
Michelle Manning says
Your site is AMAZING!! I have been looking at the Holidays, but I cannot find the November Holidays 2022 webpage?
Louise Myers says
It’s coming next week!
Jolene says
Hi, Louise I’m trying to craft some content for my LinkedIn page. I love your social media holidays, may I share your calendar from April to December on my page? I will of coz give credits to you in my post.
Louise Myers says
I’d love for you to share a link to the post. Unfortunately I can’t allow use of my images.
Mimi Cummins says
Outside of the USA, my biggest audience is Canadians. I would never include July 4th without also adding Canada Day to my calendar! Aside from that, this is a fantastic resource and huge props for sharing, thank you!!
Louise Myers says
I agree. I definitely have Canada Day on the July ideas page. This page is really just a brief overview and hub for the monthly pages 🙂
Tammy says
Louise this is fantastic! For years I have created a promotions and marketing calendar for our company, Organic Excellence, and this is by FAR the best list of Promo dates put in one convenient location for the year! I have read your other posts and am very impressed with all that you do and share. THANK YOU!!! You are a vast help to all of us out there trying to keep up. I love the links others have provided as well to help jump start the Cyber Monday sales too! Thanks everyone!
Louise Myers says
I’m so glad you like it, Tammy!
Barbara Woodman says
Omg thank you thank you! A calendar like this is actually what I was needing and totally on point, I’ll make sure to print it and put it right in front of my desk! I plan to officially announce my store opening a couple of days before Halloween and was looking for ideas that I can be capable of materializing by myself. With black friday and thanksgiving coming is going to be cray cray. Apart from social media, do you think timely newsletters could work? Especially for black friday I plan to at least use some of the advice here mailerlite.com/blog/black-friday-cyber-monday-email-marketing-checklist like a countdown timer + GIFs, and offer mystery sales as suggested here blog.fivestars.com/boost-your-black-friday-sales-with-these-5-promotion-ideas/ but then again, not sure if it’d be too soon for me after just opening a store (I sell hand-made jewelry and journals) either way I’ll try to create my own memes for Halloween so i’ll shamelessly copy some of your quotes if that’s ok 😀
Louise Myers says
If you have a mailing list, then you should definitely alert them to your store opening and sales, IF it’s relevant to why they joined your list.
Best of luck!
jennifer says
Hi, Thank you for giving out the details, Such a beautiful calendar, Thanks for sharing!!
Louise Myers says
Glad you like it!
Karen Cline says
Thanks so much for sharing this!! We are very excited about doing this. Thanks again
Louise Myers says
Sharon Gore says
Thanks for sharing!! Such a beautiful calendar
Louise Myers says
Glad you like it!
R Lindner says
Don’t forget Boxing Day on December 26th. It’s a thing in Canada, etc., and a quirky one for the U.S.. ?
Louise Myers says
For sure
Chand Naik says
Is this calendar relevant in India?
Louise Myers says
The calendar is relevant to audiences that are primarily US based.
Helena Orstem says
This is great! Thanks!!!
Virginia says
Fantastic information! Thank you!
Louise Myers says
You’re welcome 🙂
Val says
Was definitely looking for this, thanks! Just a quick question though; is there meant to be 3 get to know your customers days? Again, thanks for a great post!
Louise Myers says
Yep! They happen quarterly.
Mary Beth says
This is great! Thanks!!!
Louise Myers says
Petra says
Hi! I just wanted to quickly message you that I featured your blog post on my blog. You can find it here: nellaino.com/blog/10-blogs-which-will-help-you-make-instagram-marketing-a-breeze
Louise Myers says
Awesome! Thanks Petra.
Tisha Tahnin says
Cool. Outstanding! I was looking to start social media marketing for my business as I am suddenly feeling that my targeted customers are mostly interconnected with social medias like: FACEBOOK,TWITTER, PINTEREST,INSTRAGRAM etc. I am planning to establish a strategy for trial. Before that I am roaming in the blogs for getting some ideas about Social Media Marketing. I hope your one made something clear for me. I will be Planning with this holiday package. Thanks!