Musing on March holidays to enchant your audience?
Wondering what holidays are celebrated in March besides St. Patrick’s Day?
There are a myriad of March special occasions! So if you’re mystified by what to post on social media to engage friends and followers, here are hundreds of holidays to celebrate. Each with their holiday hashtag!
Or you can use a more serious observance as an opportunity to educate.
You’ll find over 400 March observances:
- Fun holidays, observances, and special days.
- Month-long, multi-day, and daily March holidays.
- Even a few saints’ days and religious holidays.
- Plus everything in between.
Get ready to get lucky on social media!
How to Use March Holidays and Special Days
Wondering how these hashtag holidays fit in your social media strategy?
Your followers don’t want to hear about your business constantly – but they love to interact with and share entertaining posts! It’s important to mix up your social media content types if you want to retain and grow your followers.
Set a plan for the month with these March marketing ideas. Then use the special days in this article to inspire Instagram post ideas and engaging Facebook content fans love.
Copy and paste the appropriate holiday hashtag to use on Instagram and Twitter, where they’re a must. Your posts will enjoy increased exposure.
Lucky for you!
Baffled by #hashtags? Learn how to use hashtags on the major social networks.
Month of March 2025 Holidays and Observances
39 month-long holidays for March! If you find one relevant to your business or cause, be sure to plan a campaign.
You can even include some March quotes to keep things interesting.
March’s birthstone is aquamarine, and the color of the month is light blue. I’ve also read of bloodstone, jade, jasper, and opal being March birthstone options.
March birth flower is daffodil or jonquil. These similar flowers are both of the genus Narcissus.
Cherry blossom is another March birth flower option.
American Red Cross Month #RedCrossMonth
Asset Management Awareness Month #AssetManagementAwareness
Clap 4 Health Month #Clap4Health
Dolphin Awareness Month #DolphinAwarenessMonth
Employee Spirit Month #EmployeeSpiritMonth
Endometriosis Awareness Month #EndometriosisAwarenessMonth
International Ideas Month #InternationalIdeasMonth
Irish-American Heritage Month #IrishAmericanHeritageMonth
Multiple Sclerosis Awareness Month #NationalMultipleSclerosisAwarenessMonth
Music in Our Schools Month #MIOSM
National Athletic Training Month #NationalAthleticTrainingMonth
National Brain Injury Awareness Month #NationalBrainInjuryAwarenessMonth
National Breast Implant Awareness Month #BreastImplantAwarenessMonth
National Caffeine Awareness Month #NationalCaffeineAwarenessMonth
National Celery Month #NationalCeleryMonth
National Cerebral Palsy Awareness Month #CerebralPalsyAwarenessMonth
National Cheerleading Safety Month #NationalCheerleadingSafetyMonth
National Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month #ColorectalCancerAwarenessMonth
National Craft Month #NationalCraftMonth
National Credit Education Month #CreditEducationMonth
National Crochet Month #NationalCrochetMonth
National Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month #DevelopmentalDisabilitiesAwarenessMonth
National Flour Month #NationalFlourMonth
National Frozen Food Month #NationalFrozenFoodMonth
National Kidney Month #NationalKidneyMonth
MS Awareness Month #MSAwarenessMonth
National Noodle Month #NationalNoodleMonth
National Nutrition Month #NationalNutritionMonth
National Peanut Month #NationalPeanutMonth
National Professional Social Work Month #SocialWorkMonth
National Sauce Month #NationalSauceMonth
National Trisomy Awareness Month #TrisomyAwarenessMonth
National Umbrella Month #NationalUmbrellaMonth
National Women’s History Month #NationalWomensHistoryMonth
Optimism Month #OptimismMonth
Poison Prevention Awareness Month #PoisonPreventionAwarenessMonth
Save Your Vision Month #SaveYourVisionMonth
Small Press Month #SmallPressMonth
Youth Art Month #YouthArtMonth
March 2025 Multi-day Holidays and Observances
Multi-day holidays are the hardest to get confirmed dates. I’ve done my best to ensure these are correct for 2025. But before investing in a big promotion, you might want to double-check.
Feb 23–Mar 1 Peace Corps Week #PeaceCorpsWeek
Observed the full week that includes March 1.
This next group are always March 1 through 7.
National Cheerleading Week #NationalCheerleadingWeek
National Write a Letter of Appreciation Week #NationalWriteALetterOfAppreciationWeek
Universal Human Beings Week #UniversalHumanBeingsWeek
Will Eisner Week #WillEisnerWeek
This next group are observed the first full week: March 2–8, 2025.
Celebrate Your Name Week #CelebrateYourNameWeek
Dental Assistant Recognition Week #DentalAssistantRecognitionWeek
National Consumer Protection Week #NationalConsumerProtectionWeek
National Professional Pet Sitters Week #ProfessionalPetSittersWeek
National School Social Work Week #SchoolSocialWorkWeek
Read an eBook Week #ReadAnEBookWeek
Teen Tech Week #TeenTechWeek
Women in Construction Week #WICWeek
Words Matter Week #WMW
Mar 2–8 NO MORE Week #NoMoreWeek
Observed the week that includes International Women’s Day (March 8).
Mar 3–9 National Procrastination Week #NationalProcrastinationWeek
Date can vary due to procrastination!
Mar 3–7 National School Breakfast Week #NSBW
Runs 5 days starting the first Monday in March.
Mar 3–7 Newspapers in Education Week #NIEweek
Observed for 5 days starting the first Monday in March.
Mar 3–9 British Pie Week #BritishPieWeek
Runs 7 days starting the first Monday in March.
Mar 3–9 Women of Aviation Worldwide Week #WOAW
For 7 days starting the first Monday in March.
Mar 4–10 Endometriosis Awareness Week #EndometriosisAwarenessWeek
Various sources disagree on the dates.
Mar 9–15 Girl Scout Week #GirlScoutWeek
Observed the week that includes Girl Scout Day (March 12).
This next group are observed the second full week, March 9–15, 2025.
MS Awareness Week #MSAwarenessWeek
National Pulmonary Rehabilitation Week #NationalPulmonaryRehabilitationWeek
National Sleep Awareness Week #NationalSleepAwarenessWeek
Sunshine Week #SunshineWeek
Termite Awareness Week #TermiteAwarenessWeek
Universal Women’s Week #UniversalWomensWeek
World Glaucoma Week #WorldGlaucomaWeek
Mar 10–16 World Rotaract Week #WorldRotaractWeek
Observed the week that includes March 13.
Mar 10–16 Brain Awareness Week #BrainAwarenessWeek
Runs 7 days starting on a Monday.
Mar 17–23 National Fix a Leak Week #FixALeakWeek
Starts on Monday of the third week of March.
Mar 18–Apr 7 March Madness #MarchMadness
Dates vary.
This group is observed the third full week, March 16–22, 2025.
American Chocolate Week #AmericanChocolateWeek
Clutter Awareness Week #ClutterAwarenessWeek
National Bubble Week #NationalBubbleWeek
National Clean Out Your Closet Week #NationalCleanOutYourClosetWeek
National Introverts Week #NationalIntrovertsWeek
National Poison Prevention Week #NationalPoisonPreventionWeek
National Surveyors Week #NationalSurveyorsWeek
Mar 17–21 Wellderly Week #WellderlyWeek
Observed for 5 days starting the third Monday in March.
Mar 17–23 National Drug And Alcohol Facts Week #NDAFW
Observed for 7 days starting the third Monday in March.
Mar 17–23 Teach Music Week #TeachMusicWeek
Observed for 7 days starting the third Monday in March.
Mar 20–23 Hogwarts House Pride Week #HogwartsHousePrideWeek
Mar 21–27 National Agriculture Week #NationalAgricultureWeek
National Ag Week changes annually.
Mar 23–29 National Cleaning Week #NationalCleaningWeek
Starts on the fourth Sunday of March.
Mar 29–April 6 Nano Days #NanoDays
Starts the last Saturday in March through the first Sunday in April.
March 1 Holidays and Observances 2025
The first day of March is full of celebrations! March 1, 2025 boasts a dozen holidays you can choose from to engage your audience.
Holidays marked * change dates from year to year. Note that some of the graphics included in this article may have been made for a year other than 2025. Reference the dates in the charts for accuracy 🙂
Asiatic Fleet Memorial Day #AsiaticFleetMemorialDay
National Dadgum That’s Good Day #DadgumThatsGoodDay
National Fruit Compote Day #NationalFruitCompoteDay
National Horse Protection Day #HorseProtectionDay
National Peanut Butter Lover’s Day #PeanutButterLoversDay
National Pig Day #NationalPigDay
National Wedding Planning Day #NationalWeddingPlanningDay
Plan a Solo Vacation Day #PlanASoloVacationDay
Refired Not Retired Day #RefiredNotRetiredDay
Self-Injury Awareness Day (SIAD) #SelfInjuryAwarenessDay
Share A Smile Day #ShareASmileDay
World Compliment Day #WorldComplimentDay
International Open Data Day is observed annually on the first Saturday of March.
International Open Data Day* #OpenDataDay
March 2 Holidays and Observances 2025
International Rescue Cat Day #InternationalRescueCatDay
National Banana Cream Pie Day #BananaCreamPieDay
National Old Stuff Day #NationalOldStuffDay
National Read Across America Day (Dr. Seuss Day) #ReadAcrossAmericaDay
World Teen Mental Wellness Day #WorldTeenMentalWellnessDay
The two * holidays below are observed the first Sunday in March.
Finisher’s Medal Day* #FinishersMedalDay
Namesake Day* #NamesakeDay
March 3 Holidays and Observances 2025
33 Flavors Day #33FlavorsDay
Canadian Bacon Day #CanadianBaconDay
National Anthem Day #NationalAnthemDay
National Cold Cuts Day #NationalColdCutsDay
National I Want You to be Happy Day #IWantYouToBeHappyDay
National Moscow Mule Day #NationalMoscowMuleDay
National Mulled Wine Day #NationalMulledWineDay
Peach Blossom Day #PeachBlossomDay
Soup It Forward Day #SoupItForwardDay
TB-303 Appreciation Day #303Day
What If Cats And Dogs Had Opposable Thumbs Day #WhatIfCatsAndDogsHadOpposableThumbsDay
World Wildlife Day #WorldWildlifeDay
Casimir Pulaski Day is observed the first Monday in March.
Fun Facts About Names Day occurs on Monday of the first full week in March.
Casimir Pulaski Day* #CasimirPulaskiDay
Fun Facts About Names Day* #FunFactsAboutNamesDay
March 4 Holidays and Observances 2025
Courageous Follower Day #CourageousFollowerDay
Holy Experiment Day #HolyExperimentDay
International GMs Day #InternationalGMsDay
March Forth and Do Something Day #MarchForth
Marching Music Day #MarchingMusicDay
National Grammar Day #NationalGrammarDay
National Hug a G.I. Day #HugAGIDay
National Pound Cake Day #NationalPoundCakeDay
National Snack Day #NationalSnackDay
National Sons Day #NationalSonsDay
Toy Soldier Day #ToySoldierDay
World Obesity Day #WorldObesityDay
National Sportsmanship Day and Peace Corps Day are observed the first Tuesday in March every year.
Unique Names Day is on Tuesday of the first full week in March.
National Sportsmanship Day* #NationalSportsmanshipDay
Peace Corps Day* #PeaceCorpsDay
Unique Names Day* #UniqueNamesDay
International Pancake Day, Mardi Gras, and Pączki Day are observed annually, 47 days before Easter. That’s March 4 in 2025.
International Pancake Day* #InternationalPancakeDay
Mardi Gras* (aka Fat Tuesday!) #MardiGras
Pączki Day* #PaczkiDay
March 5 Holidays and Observances 2025
Cinco de Marcho #CincoDeMarcho
National Absinthe Day #NationalAbsintheDay
National Cheese Doodle Day #NationalCheeseDoodleDay
National Multiple Personality Day #MultiplePersonalityDay
National Poutine Day #NationalPoutineDay
Reel Film Day #ReelFilmDay
Discover What Your Name Means Day occurs on Wednesday of the first full week in March.
Discover What Your Name Means Day* #DiscoverWhatYourNameMeansDay
March 6 Holidays and Observances 2025
Alamo Day #AlamoDay
National Dentist’s Day #NationalDentistsDay
National Dress Day #NationalDressDay
National Frozen Food Day #NationalFrozenFoodDay
National Oreo Cookie Day #NationalOreoCookieDay
National White Chocolate Cheesecake Day #WhiteChocolateCheesecakeDa
Stop Bad Service Day is observed annually on the first Wednesday in March.
Stop Bad Service Day* #StopBadServiceDay
Nametag Day is observed on Thursday of the first full week in March.
Nametag Day* #NametagDay
March 7 Holidays and Observances 2025
National Be Heard Day #NationalBeHeardDay
National Cereal Day #NationalCerealDay
National Crown of Roast Pork Day #CrownRoastOfPorkDay
Plant Power Day #PlantPowerDay
National Hospitalist Day and World Book Day are observed on the first Thursday in March.
National Hospitalist Day* #NationalHospitalistDay
World Book Day (UK & Ireland)* #WorldBookDayUKIreland
The four * holidays below are observed the first Friday in March.
National Dress in Blue Day* #DressInBlueDay
National Employee Appreciation Day* #EmployeeAppreciationDay
National Speech and Debate Education Day* #SpeechAndDebateEducationDay
World Day Of Prayer* #WorldDayOfPrayer
Middle Name Pride Day is observed on Friday of the first full week in March.
Middle Name Pride Day* #MiddleNamePrideDay
Friday Fish Fry Day and National Tartar Sauce Day are observed 44 days before Easter. This is the first Friday of Lent, March 7 in 2025.
Friday Fish Fry Day* #FridayFishFryDay
National Tartar Sauce Day* #NationalTartarSauceDay
March 7–8
Global Day of Unplugging begins at sundown on March 7, 2025, and lasts for 24 hours. The date varies from year to year.
Global Day of Unplugging* #NationalDayOfUnplugging
March 8 Holidays and Observances 2025
Be Nasty Day #BeNastyDay
International Women’s Day #InternationalWomensDay
National Peanut Cluster Day #PeanutClusterDay
National Proofreading Day #NationalProofreadingDay
Genealogy Day is observed on Saturday of the first full week in March.
International Fanny Pack Day occurs on the second Saturday in March.
Genealogy Day* #GenealogyDay
International Fanny Pack Day* #InternationalFannyPackDay
March 9 Holidays and Observances 2025
False Teeth Day #FalseTeethDay
National Barbie Day #NationalBarbieDay
National Crabmeat Day #NationalCrabMeatDay
National Get Over it Day #NationalGetOverItDay
National Meatball Day #NationalMeatballDay
Panic Day #PanicDay
Check Your Batteries Day, the start of Daylight Saving Time, and National Dry Shampoo Day all occur on the second Sunday of March.
Check Your Batteries Day* #CheckYourBatteriesDay
Daylight Saving Time starts* (US) #SpringForward
National Dry Shampoo Day* #NationalDryShampooDay
March 10 Holidays and Observances 2025
Histotechnology Professionals Day #IHeartHisto
International Bagpipe Day #InternationalBagpipeDay
International Day Of Awesomeness #InternationalDayOfAwesomeness
Landline Telephone Day #LandlineTelephoneDay
National Blueberry Popover Day #BlueberryPopoverDay
National Mario Day #NationalMarioDay
National Pack Your Lunch Day #PackYourLunchDay
National Ranch Day #NationalRanchDay
National Women and Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness Day #WomenGirlsHIVAIDSAwarenessDay
Commonwealth Day occurs on the second Monday of March.
Fill Our Staplers Day and National Napping Day are always the day after Daylight Saving Time begins.
Commonwealth Day* #CommonwealthDay
Fill Our Staplers Day* #FillOurStaplersDay
National Napping Day* #NappingDay
March 11 Holidays and Observances 2025
Debunking Day #DebunkingDay
Dream Day #DreamDay
Johnny Appleseed Day #JohnnyAppleseedDay
National311Day #National311Day
National Funeral Director and Mortician Recognition Day #FuneralDirectorMorticianAppreciation
National Promposal Day #PromposalDay
Oatmeal Nut Waffles Day #OatmealNutWafflesDay
World Day of Muslim Culture, Peace, Dialogue and Film #WorldDayOfMuslimCulturePeaceDialogueAndFilm
World Plumbing Day #WorldPlumbingDay
Worship of Tools Day #WorshipOfToolsDay
Organize Your Home Office Day occurs on the second Tuesday of March.
Organize Your Home Office Day* #OrganizeYourHomeOfficeDay
March 12 Holidays and Observances 2025
Girl Scout Day #NationalGirlScoutDay
National Alfred Hitchcock Day #AlfredHitchcockDay
National Baked Scallops Day #BakedScallopsDay
National Plant a Flower Day #PlantAFlowerDay
National Working Moms Day #NationalWorkingMomsDay
World Day Against Cyber Censorship #WorldDayAgainstCyberCensorship
Registered Dietitian Nutritionist Day is observed the second Wednesday in March.
Registered Dietitian Nutritionist Day* #RDNDay
March 13 Holidays and Observances 2025
Donald Duck Day #DonaldDuckDay
Earmuff Day #EarmuffDay
Ken Day #KenDay
National Coconut Torte Day #NationalCoconutTorteDay
National Good Samaritan Day #GoodSamaritanDay
National Jewel Day #NationalJewelDay
National K9 Veterans Day #NationalK9VeteransDay
National Open an Umbrella Indoors Day #OpenAnUmbrellaIndoorsDay
Popcorn Lovers Day and World Kidney Day are observed annually on the second Thursday in March.
Popcorn Lovers Day* #PopcornLoversDay
World Kidney Day* #WorldKidneyDay
March 14 Holidays and Observances 2025
Celebrate Scientists Day #CelebrateScientistsDay
Crowdfunding Day #CrowdfundingDay
Genius Day #GeniusDay
International Ask A Question Day #InternationalAskAQuestionDay
Learn About Butterflies Day #LearnAboutButterfliesDay
National Children’s Craft Day #ChildrensCraftDay
National Potato Chip Day #NationalPotatoChipDay
National Write Your Story Day #WriteYourStoryDay
Pi Day #PiDay
Save A Spider Day #SaveASpiderDay
Science Education Day #ScienceEducationDay
White Day #WhiteDay
World Sleep Day is observed Friday of the second full week in March.
World Sleep Day* #WorldSleepDay
March 15 Holidays and Observances 2025
Brutus Day #BrutusDay
Dumbstruck Day #DumbstruckDay
Everything You Think is Wrong Day #EverythingYouThinkIsWrongDay
Ides of March #IdesOfMarch
International Day Against Police Brutality #InternationalDayAgainstPoliceBrutality
National Egg Cream Day #NationalEggCreamDay
National Peanut Lovers Day #NationalPeanutLoversDay
National Pears Hélène Day #NationalPearsHeleneDay
National Shoe the World Day #NationalShoeTheWorldDay
True Confessions Day #TrueConfessionsDay
World Consumer Rights Day #WorldConsumerRightsDay
*Holidays asterisked below are observed the third Saturday in March.
International Sports Car Racing Day* #InternationalSportsCarRacingDay
Maple Syrup Saturday* #MapleSyrupSaturday
National Corn Dog Day* #NationalCornDogDay
National Quilting Day* #NationalQuiltingDay
Play-the-Recorder Day* #PlayTheRecorderDay
March 16 Holidays and Observances 2025
Black Press Day #BlackPressDay
Curlew Day #CurlewDay
Freedom of Information Day #FreedomOfInformationDay
Goddard Day #GoddardDay
Lips Appreciation Day #LipsAppreciationDay
National Artichoke Hearts Day #ArtichokeHeartsDay
National Curl Crush Day #NationalCurlCrushDay
National Everything You Do is Right Day #EverythingYouDoIsRightDay
National Panda Day #NationalPandaDay
Panda Day #PandaDay
St. Urho’s Day #StUrhosDay
Buzzard Day is always the Sunday after March 15.
Buzzard Day* #BuzzardDay
March 17 Holidays and Observances 2025
Corned Beef and Cabbage Day #CornedBeefAndCabbageDay
Doctor-Patient Trust Day #DoctorPatientTrustDay
St. Patrick’s Day #StPatricksDay
Submarine Day #SubmarineDay
Act Happy Day and National Wellderly Day are observed on the third Monday in March.
Act Happy Day* #ActHappyDay
National Wellderly Day* #NationalWellderlyDay
March 18 Holidays and Observances 2025
Awkward Moments Day #AwkwardMomentsDay
Forgive Mom and Dad Day #ForgiveMomAndDadDay
Goddess of Fertility Day #GoddessOfFertilityDay
National Biodiesel Day #NationalBiodieselDay
National Lacy Oatmeal Cookie Day #LacyOatmealCookieDay
National Sloppy Joe Day #NationalSloppyJoeDay
National Supreme Sacrifice Day #SupremeSacrificeDay
Red Nose Day (UK) #RedNoseDayUK
World Social Work Day is observed the third Tuesday in March.
World Social Work Day* #WSWD
National Ag Day* #NationalAgDay
March 19 Holidays and Observances 2025
Certified Nurses Day #CertifiedNursesDay
Client’s Day #ClientsDay
Let’s Laugh Day #LetsLaughDay
National Backyard Day #NationalBackyardDay
National Chocolate Caramel Day #ChocolateCaramelDay
National Poultry Day #NationalPoultryDay
Take Down Tobacco National Day of Action is observed the third Wednesday in March.
Take Down Tobacco National Day of Action* #TakeDownTobacco
National Small Business Development Centers Day* #SBDCDay
March 20 Holidays and Observances 2025
March 20, 2025 is the first day of Spring, also known as the Spring Equinox or Vernal Equinox.
The first day of Spring happens when the Sun crosses the celestial equator from south to north. This is usually March 19, 20, or 21.
The rest of the *holidays below also occur on the first day of Spring.
First Day Of Spring* #FirstDayOfSpring
Great American Meatout* #GreatAmericanMeatout
International Astrology Day* #InternationalAstrologyDay
International Day Of Nowruz* #InternationalDayOfNowruz
International Earth Day* #InternationalEarthDay
Ostara* #Ostara
Proposal Day* #ProposalDay
Snowman Burning Day* #SnowmanBurningDay
World Storytelling Day* #WorldStorytellingDay
The three * holidays below always fall on the third Thursday in March.
Absolutely Incredible Kid Day* #AbsolutelyIncredibleKidDay
Companies That Care Day* #CompaniesThatCareDay
Oranges And Lemons Day* #OrangesAndLemonsDay
Alien Abduction Day #AlienAbductionDay
Atheist Pride Day #AtheistPrideDay
Bibliomania Day #BibliomaniaDay
French Language Day #FrenchLanguageDay
Hufflepuff Pride Day #HufflepuffPrideDay
International Day of Happiness #DayOfHappiness
National Bock Beer Day #NationalBockBeerDay
National Native HIV/AIDS Awareness Day #NativeHIVAIDSAwarnessDay
National Ravioli Day #NationalRavioliDay
Won’t You Be My Neighbor Day #WontYouBeMyNeighborDay
World Frog Day #WorldFrogDay
World Sparrow Day #WorldSparrowDay
March 21 Holidays and Observances 2025
International Day For The Elimination Of Racial Discrimination #InternationalDayForTheEliminationOfRacialDiscrimination
International Day Of Forests #InternationalDayOfForests
Memory Day #MemoryDay
National California Strawberry Day #CaliforniaStrawberryDay
National Common Courtesy Day #CommonCourtesyDay
National Countdown Day #321Day
National Crunchy Taco Day #NationalCrunchyTacoDay
National Flower Day #NationalFlowerDay
National Fragrance Day #NationalFragranceDay
National French Bread Day #NationalFrenchBreadDay
National Healthy Fats Day #NationalHealthyFatsDay
National Single Parents Day #NationalSingleParentDay
National Teenager Day #NationalTeenagerDay
Slytherin Pride Day #SlytherinPrideDay
World Down Syndrome Day #WorldDownSyndromeDay
World Poetry Day #WorldPoetryDay
World Puppetry Day #WorldPuppetryDay
World Tattoo Day #WorldTattooDay
March 22 Holidays and Observances 2025
As Young As You Feel Day #AsYoungAsYouFeelDay
Gryffindor Pride Day #GryffindorPrideDay
International Day Of The Seal #InternationalDayOfTheSeal
National Bavarian Crepes Day #BavarianCrepesDay
National Goof Off Day #NationalGoofOffDay
National Sing Out Day #SingOutDay
World Water Day #WorldWaterDay
March 23 Holidays and Observances 2025
Cuddly Kitten Day #CuddlyKittenDay
National Chia Day #NationalChiaDay.
National Chip and Dip Day #NationalChipAndDipDay
National Melba Toast Day #NationalMelbaToastDay
National Puppy Day #NationalPuppyDay
National Tamale Day #NationalTamaleDay
Near Miss Day #NearMissDay
OK Day #OKDay
Ravenclaw Pride Day #RavenclawPrideDay
World Meteorological Day #MeteorologicalDay
March 24 Holidays and Observances 2025
International Day For Achievers #InternationalDayForAchievers
National Cheesesteak Day #NationalCheesesteakDay
National Chocolate Covered Raisin Day #ChocolateCoveredRaisinDay
National Cocktail Day #NationalCocktailDay
World Tuberculosis Day #WorldTBDay
March 25 Holidays and Observances 2025
Also on March 25 is the United Nations observance of International Day of Remembrance of the Victims of Slavery and the Transatlantic Slave Trade. The corresponding (very long) hashtag is #InternationalDayOfRemembranceOfTheVictimsOfSlaveryAndTheTransatlanticSlaveTrade.
International Waffle Day #InternationalWaffleDay
National Lobster Newburg Day #LobsterNewburgDay
National Medal of Honor Day #MedalOfHonorDay
National Tolkien Reading Day #TolkienReadingDay
Pecan Day #PecanDay
American Diabetes Association Alert Day occurs on the fourth Tuesday in March.
American Diabetes Association Alert Day* #AmericanDiabetesAssociationAlertDay
March 26 Holidays and Observances 2025
Legal Assistants Day #LegalAssistantsDay
National Make Up Your Own Holiday Day #MakeUpYourOwnHolidayDay
National Nougat Day #NationalNougatDay
National Spinach Day #NationalSpinachDay
Purple Day (International Epilepsy Day) #PurpleDay
Solitude Day #SolitudeDay
The two * holidays below are observed the last Wednesday in March.
Manatee Appreciation Day* #ManateeApprecicationDay
National Little Red Wagon Day* #LittleRedWagonDay
American Red Cross Giving Day is observed the fourth Wednesday in March.
American Red Cross Giving Day* #HelpCantWait
March 27 Holidays and Observances 2025
Celebrate Exchange Day #CelebrateExchangeDay
National Joe Day #NationalJoeDay
National Scribble Day #ScribbleDay
National Spanish Paella Day #SpanishPaellaDay
Quirky Country Music Song Titles Day #QuirkyCountryMusicSongTitlesDay
World Theatre Day #WorldTheatreDay
March 28 Holidays and Observances 2025
Children’s Picture Book Day #ChildrensPictureBookDay
Eat an Eskimo Pie Day #EatAnEskimoPieDay
National Black Forest Cake Day #BlackForestCakeDay
National Hot Tub Day #NationalHotTubDay
National Something on a Stick Day #SomethingOnAStickDay
National Triglycerides Day #NationalTriglyceridesDay
National Weed Appreciation Day #WeedAppreciationDay
Respect Your Cat Day #RespectYourCatDay
March 29 Holidays and Observances 2025
National Lemon Chiffon Cake Day #LemonChiffonCakeDay
National Mom and Pop Business Owners Day #MomPopBusinessOwnersDay
National Vietnam War Veterans Day #VietnamWarVeteransDay
Smoke and Mirrors Day #SmokeAndMirrorsDay
Piano Day is the 88th day of the year, so it changes during leap years.
Piano Day* #PianoDay
Brothers’ And Sisters’ Day and Earth Hour are observed the last Saturday in March.
Brothers’ and Sisters’ Day* #BrothersAndSistersDay
Earth Hour* #EarthHour
March 30 Holidays and Observances 2025
National Doctors Day #NationalDoctorsDay
National I Am in Control Day #NationalIAmInControlDay
National Virtual Vacation Day #VirtualVacationDay
Pencil Day #PencilDay
Take a Walk in the Park Day #TakeAWalkInTheParkDay
Turkey Neck Soup Day #TurkeyNeckSoupDay
World Bipolar Day #WorldBipolarDay
Neighbour Day is observed the last Sunday in March.
Neighbour Day* #NeighbourDay
March 31 Holidays and Observances 2025
César Chavez Day #CesarChavezDay
Dance Marathon Day #DanceMarathonDay
Eiffel Tower Day #EiffelTowerDay
International Transgender Day Of Visibility #InternationalTransgenderDayOfVisibility
National Bunsen Burner Day #NationalBunsenBurnerDay
National Clams on the Half Shell Day #ClamsOnTheHalfShellDay
National Crayon Day #NationalCrayonDay
National Farm Workers Day #FarmWorkersDay
National Prom Day #NationalPromDay
National Tater Day #NationalTaterDay
World Backup Day #WorldBackupDay
Make March Merry
I hope you’ve found a number of interesting March holidays you can’t wait to share!
But don’t download and use my images, as they’re copyrighted. Get creative and make your own – it’s fun!
Here are a couple resources to help you make picture quotes online, or use apps to add text to photos.
Be sure to pin the image below to Pinterest so you can come back for more.
And check out my mega roundup of social media holidays for the entire year!
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