Love December holidays?
Wondering what holidays besides Christmas are celebrated in December?
Here are 250 of ’em! ‘Tis the season to celebrate.
Whether you want to engage your social media followers, educate your students, or just figure out when your friends are celebrating religious holidays, you’re in the right place.
You’ve found a huge December holidays list, updated for 2023!
Over 250 to entertain your friends, followers, and students:
- Christian, Jewish, and pagan holidays.
- Fun and random holidays.
- Month-long, week-long, and daily December holidays.
- And everything in between.
Let the celebrations begin!
How to Use December Hashtag Holidays
If you’ve ever wondered what to post on social media, you’re in the right place.
You probably know that social media platforms use algorithms to determine which of their users will see which of your posts.
And unfortunately, unless your posts get a lot of engagement, they’ll quickly be relegated to the “don’t show these” pile.
But these weird holidays grab attention and comments!
Start by setting your overall plan for the month with these December marketing ideas. Then sprinkle in some of these special days to get that essential engagement.
To get your posts seen by a wider audience, you’ll want to include holiday hashtags! Copy and paste the appropriate hashtag to include on Instagram and Twitter, where they’re a must.
Baffled by #hashtags? Learn more about how to use hashtags on social media.
Month of December 2023 Holidays and Observances
There are 23 month-long holidays to celebrate in December. If one fits your audience, plan a month-long campaign to go with it!
December offers a huge variety of birthstones: blue topaz, turquoise, tanzanite, and zircon.
December flower of the month is poinsettia.
December vegetable of the month is winter squash.
Now check out December’s month-long holidays:
Bingo’s Birthday Month #BingosBirthdayMonth
Buckwheat Month #Buckwheat
Decembeard #Decembeard
Farm to Food Bank Month #FarmToFoodBankMonth
Give the Gift of Sight Month #GiveTheGiftOfSightMonth
HIV/AIDS Awareness Month #AidsAwarenessMonth
Honor Your Pharmacists Month #PharmacistLife
MADD Tie One On For Safety #TieOneOnForSafety
National Car Donation Month #NationalCarDonationMonth
National Impaired Driving Prevention Month #ImpairedDriving
National Pear Month #NationalPearMonth
National Tie Month #NationalTieMonth
National Write A Business Plan Month #WriteABusinessPlanMonth
Read a New Book Month #ReadANewBookMonth
Root Vegetables and Exotic Fruits Month #RootVegetablesMonth
Safe Toys and Gifts Awareness Month #SafeToysAndGifts
Seasonal Affective Disorder Awareness Month #SeasonalAffectiveDisorder
Spiritual Literacy Month #SpiritualLiteracyMonth
Tomato and Winter Squash Month #WinterSquash
Universal Human Rights Month #HumanRights
Worldwide Food Service Safety Month #FoodServiceSafetyMonth
Write a Friend Month #WriteAFriend
Youngsters on The Air (YOTA) Month #YotaMonth
December 2023 Weekly Holidays and Observances
Here are 19 holidays that last for about a week – more or less!
Asterisked dates are known to change yearly. Dates below are for 2023.
This group is the hardest to pin down, so I suggest double-checking before planning a promotion.
Dec. 1–7 Crohn’s and Colitis Awareness Week #CrohnsAwarenessWeek
Dec. 1–7 National Cookie Cutter Week #CookieCutterWeek
Dec. 1–24 Operation Santa Paws #OperationSantaPaws
Observed the first full week of December:
Dec. 3–9* Clerc-Gallaudet Week #ClercGallaudetWeek
Dec. 3–9* National Handwashing Awareness Week #HandwashingAwarenessWeek
Dec. 3–9* Recipe Greetings For The Holidays Week #RecipeGreetingsForTheHolidaysWeek
Dec. 4–10 National Human Rights Consciousness Week #HumanRightsWeek
Dec. 4–8* Older Driver Safety Awareness Week #OlderDriverSafetyAwarenessWeek
(Observed the first M-F week of December).
Dec. 6–12* Computer Science Education Week #ComputerScienceEducationWeek
Dec. 7–15* Chanukah #Chanukah
Dec. 14–28* Halcyon Days #HalcyonDays
(Always celebrated from 7 days before until 7 days after the Winter Solstice).
Dec. 14–Jan. 5 Christmas Bird Count #ChristmasBirdCount
Dec. 15–Jan. 1 Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over #DriveSober
Dec. 16–24 Posadas #Posadas
Dec. 17–23 Saturnalia #Saturnalia
Dec. 17–24* Gluten-free Baking Week #GlutenFreeBaking
Dec. 19–23* Cookie Exchange Week #CookieExchange
(Observed the M-F week before Christmas).
Dec. 25–31 It’s About Time Week #ItsAboutTimeWeek
Dec. 26–Jan. 1 Kwanzaa #Kwanzaa
December 1 Holidays and Observances 2023
December boasts 213 daily holidays to celebrate!
Antarctica Day #AntarcticaDay
Bifocals at the Monitor Liberation Day #BifocalsAtTheMonitorLiberationDay
Civil Air Patrol Day #CivilAirPatrolDay
Day Without Art Day #DayWithoutArt
Eat a Red Apple Day #EatARedAppleDay
National Christmas Lights Day #ChristmasLightsDay
National Pie Day #NationalPieDay
Rosa Parks Day #RosaParksDay
Wear a Dress Day #WearADressDay
World AIDS Day #WorldAidsDay
Observed the first Friday in December:
Bartender Appreciation Day* #BartenderAppreciationDay
Faux Fur Friday* #FauxFurFriday
Observed the second Friday after Thanksgiving:
International Sweater Vestival* #InternationalSweaterVestival
December 2 Holidays and Observances 2023
Business of Popping Corn Day #BusinessOfPoppingCornDay
International Day for the Abolition of Slavery #DayForTheAbolitionOfSlavery
National Fritters Day #NationalFrittersDay
National Mutt Day #NationalMuttDay
Play Basketball Day #PlayBasketballDay
Safety Razor Day #SafetyRazorDay
Special Education Day #SpecialEducationDay
Observed the first Saturday in December:
Earmuff Day* #EarmuffDay
Global Fat Bike Day* #GlobalFatBikeDay
National Rhubarb Vodka Day* #RhubarbVodkaDay
Skywarn Recognition Day* #SkywarnRecognitionDay
World Pear Day* #WorldPearDay
December 3 Holidays and Observances 2023
International Day of Persons with Disabilities #DisabilityDay
Let’s Hug Day #LetsHugDay
Make a Gift Day #MakeAGiftDay
National Apple Pie Day #NationalApplePieDay
National Green Bean Casserole Day #NationalGreenBeanCasseroleDay
National Roof-Over-Your-Head Day #RoofOverYourHeadDay
Observed the fourth Sunday prior to Christmas Day:
Advent Sunday #AdventSunday
December 4 Holidays and Observances 2023
Cabernet Franc Day #CabernetFrancDay
Extraordinary Work Team Recognition Day #ExtraordinaryWorkTeamRecognitionDay
International Cheetah Day #InternationalCheetahDay
National Cookie Day #NationalCookieDay
National Dice Day #NationalDiceDay
National Sock Day #NationalSockDay
Santa’s List Day #SantasListDay
Wear Brown Shoes Day #WearBrownShoesDay
Wildlife Conservation Day #WildlifeConservationDay
Walt Disney Day is always the first Monday in December.
Walt Disney Day* #WaltDisneyDay
December 5 Holidays and Observances 2023
AFL-CIO Day #AflCioDay
Bathtub Party Day #BathtubPartyDay
International Ninja Day #InternationalNinjaDay
International Volunteer Day #VolunteerDay
Krampusnacht #Krampusnacht
National Blue Jeans Day #NationalBlueJeansDay
National Communicate With Your Kids Day #NationalCommunicateWithYourKidsDay
National Commute With Your Baby Day #NationalCommuteWithYourBabyDay
National Sacher Torte Day #NationalSacherTorteDay
Repeal Day #RepealDay
World Soil Day #WorldSoilDay
World Trick Shot Day is always the first Tuesday in December.
World Trick Shot Day* #TrickShotDay
December 6 Holidays and Observances 2023
Miners’ Day #NationalMinersDay
Mitten Tree Day #MittenTreeDay
National Gazpacho Day #NationalGazpachoDay
National Microwave Oven Day #MicrowaveOvenDay
National Pawnbrokers Day #NationalPawnbrokersDay
Put on Your Own Shoes Day #PutOnYourOwnShoesDay
St. Nicholas Day #StNicholasDay
Special Kids Day is always the first Wednesday in December.
Special Kids Day* #SpecialKidsDay
December 7 Holidays and Observances 2023
International Civil Aviation Day #CivilAviationDay
Letter Writing Day #LetterWritingDay
National Cotton Candy Day #NationalCottonCandyDay
National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day #PearlHarborRemembranceDay
Chanukah begins at nightfall today. Also spelled Hanukkah, it begins on the 25th of Kislev in the Hebrew calendar.
Chanukah begins #Chanukah2023
December 8 Holidays and Observances 2023
Feast of the Immaculate Conception #ImmaculateConception
National Brownie Day #NationalBrownieDay
National Christmas Tree Day #NationalChristmasTreeDay
National Lard Day #NationalLardDay
Pretend To Be A Time Traveler Day #PretendToBeATimeTraveler
Take it in the Ear Day #TakeItInTheEarDay
Observed on the second Friday in December:
National Salesperson Day* #NationalSalespersonDay
Official Lost & Found Day* #OfficialLostAndFoundDay
December 9 Holidays and Observances 2023
Christmas Card Day #ChristmasCardDay
International Anti-Corruption Day #AntiCorruptionDay
International Day of Veterinary Medicine #InternationalDayOfVeterinaryMedicine
National Llama Day #LlamaDay
National Pastry Day #NationalPastryDay
Weary Willie Day #WearyWillieDay
World Techno Day #WorldTechnoDay
Observed on the second Saturday in December:
Gingerbread Decorating Day* #GingerbreadDecoratingDay
International Shareware Day* #SharewareDay
December 10 Holidays and Observances 2023
Dewey Decimal System Day #DeweyDecimalSystemDay
Festival for the Souls of Dead Whales #FestivalForTheSoulsOfDeadWhales
Human Rights Day #HumanRightsDay
National Lager Day #NationalLagerDay
Nobel Prize Day #NobelPrizeDay
Observed on the second Sunday in December:
World Choral Day* #WorldChoralDay
Worldwide Candle Lighting Day* #CandleLightingDay
December 11 Holidays and Observances 2023
Holiday Food Drive for Needy Animals Day #HolidayFoodDriveForNeedyAnimalsDay
International Mountain Day #MountainDay
National App Day #NationalAppDay
National Have a Bagel Day #NationalHaveABagelDay
National Noodle Ring Day #NationalNoodleRingDay
Green Monday is observed the Monday before December 15th.
Green Monday* #GreenMonday
December 12 Holidays and Observances 2023
Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe #OurLadyOfGuadalupe
Gingerbread House Day #GingerbreadHouseDay
National 12-hour Fresh Breath Day #12HourFreshBreathDay
National Ambrosia Day #NationalAmbrosiaDay
National Ding-a-Ling Day #NationalDingALingDay
Poinsettia Day #NationalPoinsettiaDay
December 13 Holidays and Observances 2023
Ice Cream Day #IceCreamDay
National Cocoa Day #NationalCocoaDay
National Day Of The Horse #DayOfTheHorse
National Violin Day #NationalViolinDay
Pick A Pathologist Pal Day #PickAPathologistPalDay
U.S. National Guard Birthday #NationalGuardBirthday
December 14 Holidays and Observances 2023
Many of the remaining days of December will be a lighter on celebrations, as people are busy with holidays preparations, family time, visits and parties. A couple big days are yet to come though!
Monkey Day #MonkeyDay
National Bouillabaisse Day #BouillabaisseDay
Roast Chestnuts Day #RoastChestnutsDay
December 15 Holidays and Observances 2023
Bill of Rights Day #BillOfRightsDay
Cat Herders’ Day #CatHerdersDay
International Tea Day #InternationalTeaDay
National Cupcake Day #NationalCupcakeDay
National Wear Your Pearls Day #NationalWearYourPearlsDay
Observed on the third Friday in December:
National Ugly Christmas Sweater Day* #UglyChristmasSweaterDay
Underdog Day* #UnderdogDay
December 16 Holidays and Observances 2023
Barbie and Barney Backlash Day #BarbieAndBarneyBacklashDay
Boston Tea Party Day #BostonTeaPartyDay
National Chocolate Covered Anything Day #ChocolateCoveredAnythingDay
Stupid Toy Day #StupidToyDay
Observed on the second Saturday in December:
National Wreaths Across America Day* #WreathsAcrossAmericaDay
December 17 Holidays and Observances 2023
National Maple Syrup Day #MapleSyrupDay
Pan American Aviation Day #PanAmericanAviationDay
Wright Brothers Day #WrightBrothersDay
)bserved the 5th of Tevet in the Hebrew calendar:
International Jewish Book Day* #InternationalJewishBookDay
December 18 Holidays and Observances 2023
Answer the Phone Like Buddy the Elf Day #AnswerThePhoneLikeBuddyTheElfDay
Arabic Language Day #ArabicLanguageDay
Bake Cookies Day #BakeCookiesDay
Flake Appreciation Day #FlakeAppreciationDay
International Migrants Day #MigrantsDay
National Roast Suckling Pig Day #RoastSucklingPigDay
National Twin Day #NationalTwinDay
December 19 Holidays and Observances 2023
Holly Day #HollyDay
Look for an Evergreen Day #LookForAnEvergreenDay
National Emo Day #EmoDay
National Hard Candy Day #NationalHardCandyDay
National Oatmeal Muffin Day #OatmealMuffinDay
December 20 Holidays and Observances 2023
The photo above features me surrounded by carolers at Disney California Adventure 😉
Dot Your I’s Day #DotYourIsDay
Games Day #GamesDay
Go Caroling Day #GoCarolingDay
International Human Solidarity Day #HumanSolidarityDay
Mudd Day #MuddDay
National Sangria Day #NationalSangriaDay
Sacagawea Day #SacagaweaDay
December 21 Holidays and Observances 2023
Crossword Puzzle Day #CrosswordPuzzleDay
Forefathers’ Day #ForefathersDay
Humbug Day #HumbugDay
International Dalek Remembrance Day #DalekRemembranceDay
Look at the Bright Side Day #LookAtTheBrightSideDay
National Coquito Day #NationalCoquitoDay
National Flashlight Day #NationalFlashlightDay
National French Fried Shrimp Day #FrenchFriedShrimpDay
National Homeless Persons’ Remembrance Day #HomelessPersonsRemembranceDay
Phileas Fogg Win A Wager Day #PhileasFoggWinAWagerDay
Ribbon Candy Day #RibbonCandyDay
Asterisked holidays below are observed on the first day of Winter.
The first day of Winter occurs when the Sun reaches its southernmost point.
Anne and Samantha Day* #AnneSamanthaDay
Don’t Make Your Bed Day* #DontMakeYourBedDay
First Day of Winter* #FirstDayofWinter
National Kiwi Fruit Day* #NationalKiwiFruitDay
Short Girl Appreciation Day* #ShortGirlAppreciationDay
Winter Solstice* #WinterSolstice
Yule* #Yule
National Regifting Day is observed the Thursday before Christmas.
National Regifting Day* #NationalReGiftingDay
December 22 Holidays and Observances 2023
Abilities Day #AbilitiesDay
National Cookie Exchange Day #CookieExchangeDay
National Date Nut Bread Day #DateNutBreadDay
December 23 Holidays and Observances 2023
Festivus #Festivus
HumanLight #HumanLight
National Pfeffernusse Day #NationalPfeffernusseDay
National Roots Day #NationalRootsDay
Super Saturday is observed on the last Saturday before Christmas Eve.
Super Saturday* #SuperSaturday
December 24 Holidays and Observances 2023
Christmas Eve #ChristmasEve
Last-Minute Shopper’s Day #LastMinuteShoppersDay
National Eggnog Day #NationalEggnogDay
December 25 Holidays and Observances 2023
Christmas Day #MerryChristmas
National Pumpkin Pie Day #NationalPumpkinPieDay
No “L” Day #NoLDay
December 26 Holidays and Observances 2023
Boxing Day #BoxingDay
National Candy Cane Day #NationalCandyCaneDay
National Thank You Note Day #NationalThankYouNoteDay
National Whiner’s Day #NationalWhinersDay
December 27 Holidays and Observances 2023
National Fruitcake Day #NationalFruitcakeDay
Make Cut Out Snowflakes Day #MakeCutOutSnowflakesDay
Visit The Zoo Day #VisitTheZooDay
December 28 Holidays and Observances 2023
Call a Friend Day #CallAFriendDay
Holy Innocents’ Day #HolyInnocentsDay
National Card Playing Day #CardPlayingDay
National Chocolate Candy Day #ChocolateCandyDay
National Download Day #DownloadDay
National Short Film Day #ShortFilmDay
Pledge of Allegiance Day #PledgeOfAllegianceDay
December 29 Holidays and Observances 2023
National Pepper Pot Day #NationalPepperPotDay
Still Need To Do Day #StillNeedToDoDay
Tick Tock Day #TickTockDay
No Interruptions Day is observed on the last working day of the year.
No Interruptions Day* #NoInterruptionsDay
December 30 Holidays and Observances 2023
Bacon Day #BaconDay
Falling Needles Family Fest Day #FallingNeedlesFamilyFestDay
Festival of Enormous Changes at the Last Minute #FestivalOfEnormousChangesAtTheLast Minute
National Bicarbonate of Soda Day #BicarbonateOfSodaDay
December 31 Holidays and Observances 2023
Hogmanay #Hogmanay
Make Up Your Mind Day #MakeUpYourMindDay
National Champagne Day #NationalChampagneDay
New Year’s Eve #HappyNewYear
Universal Hour of Peace Day #HourOfPeaceDay
Unlucky Day #UnluckyDay
World Peace Meditation Day #PeaceMeditationDay
Did you ever think there could be so many December holidays?
And the other months have even more! Here are 330 January holidays.
While it’s not the only one by far, for most Western nations, Christmas trumps all. So you may want to include a few Christmas marketing ideas.
You can find a page each for:
→ And non-Christmas December quotes.
There’s never a dull moment when you’re celebrating December!
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