Posting from Instagram to Twitter?
Noticed that your picture doesn’t show in full on Twitter X? Instead, it’s a link to your IG post.
Instagram would rather your tweeps click through to IG – bringing them traffic.
And now you can’t even connect Twitter X to Instagram!
But there’s a better way to post Twitter images from IG.
Here’s how.
Post from Instagram to Twitter with Native Images
What you want to see on Twitter is a native photo – one that looks like it was uploaded right on Twitter (X).
Your tweeps are more likely to see and retweet Twitter images than links to IG.
Beat the system with this workaround!
How to connect Instagram to Twitter
If This Then That, or IFTTT, is a service that allows you to connect any two web services and automate actions through the social web by creating “applets.”
That might sound complicated, but IFTTT user djuiceman came up with an applet to fix this issue, and all you need to do is add it to your own IFTTT account!
If you don’t already have an IFTTT account, you’ll have to set one up. You can try out their Pro account for free.
1 | Go set up or log into IFTTT.
2 | Go to “My Services” and add your Instagram and Twitter accounts.
3 | Add DJuiceMan’s applet. Over 180,000 people have used it, so it must be good! (I’m one).
4 | Edit the tag if you want. I used #tw – it’s nice and short!
5 | Now, when posting an Instagram photo, include your chosen tag, and your image will post to Twitter as a native image with a card that will be seen big and bold in the tweet stream.

Top tweet posted via IFTTT, bottom tweet direct from Instagram to Twitter.
Ten times the impact when posted with the IG to Twitter hack described above!
You don’t even need to keep the caption short for the sake of Twitter, now that long-form tweets are the norm.
Check this out about the ideal Instagram caption length.
I love this shortcut and use it daily.
Why Post from Instagram to X?
Posting from Instagram to Twitter is a strategic move that can significantly enhance your social media presence.
First, it allows you to maintain consistency across different platforms, ensuring that all your followers are updated with your latest content.
Second, it saves time and effort as you only need to create a post once and share it across multiple platforms.
Plus, sharing visual content from Instagram on Twitter X can make your tweets more engaging and interactive, potentially increasing likes, retweets, and comments.
Remember, visual content is more likely to get shared on social media, so make the most of your Instagram posts by also sharing them on Twitter.
How to Connect Instagram to X (Twitter)
You used to be able to connect Twitter in Instagram and post to both at once – even though your image wouldn’t show natively on Twitter.
As of December 2023, I can’t find that this works any more.
You can no longer connect any non-Meta account to your Instagram account.
Now you simply share in the normal way you share anything from your phone. Details below.
How to Post from Instagram to Twitter
The key to posting images to Twitter from Instagram is to do it after you’ve posted.
Rather than sharing it straight to Twitter as you post to Instagram, post on IG first. Then follow this process to share it.
Note that the photo or video from the post won’t be displayed directly on Twitter! Only the IFTTT method enables that (see above).
Go to your Instagram profile: Click on your profile picture on the left to access your Instagram profile.
Select the post you want to share: Browse through your posts and click on the one that you’d like to share on Twitter.
Open more options: In the post’s top right corner, click on ‘more options’ (represented by three dots).
Share the post: NEW for 2024! Tap “See where to share and copy link”.
THEN tap on “Share to…” at the bottom of the popup screen.
Choose X: Click on the X icon. You may need to tap “More” and scroll down to find it. This will work the same as the normal feature to share an image or file on your phone.
Now the link to your Instagram post is on X.
Crossposting on Social Media
Crossposting is a powerful strategy for amplifying your social media presence. By sharing content across multiple platforms, you reach a wider audience and save valuable time in content creation.
It ensures consistent brand messaging across different channels, enhancing your brand’s recognition and credibility.
With visual platforms like Instagram, crossposting to text-heavy platforms like Twitter can add a unique visual flair to your posts, increasing engagement and visibility.
What do you think of the Instagram to Twitter hack? Will you be sharing more Instagram posts with X now?
Pin the image below as a reminder!
Zev says
Ironic that Systrom said the change was to drive traffic to Instagram, but the workaround is there’s NO link to instagram. What a stupid change Twitter made that both harms Instagram and its creators who are trying to link their accounts together.
Marc Köhlbrugge says
Hi Louise, thanks for sharing this.
While IFTTT is a great service, it can be a bit intimidated to less tech-savvy people. Therefore I’ve created a (free) service to make this process even simpler. Just connect your Instagram and Twitter account, and it will automatically share your Instagram photos/videos in a way that makes them show up on Twitter.
Have a look.
Curious to hear what you think.
Louise Myers says
Sounds interesting.
Nubes De Caricias says
Thank you so much for this insight. Works like a charm!
Louise Myers says
Glad you found it useful!
Marisa Barone says
Its not working for me :/ I don’t see anything that says ”channels” or a customized tag to add.
Louise Myers says
They’re now called “services.” Then if you go to the applet linked in the article and turn it ON, you should see the tag field.
Tasha says
I followed your directions and for some reason it’s not working. 🙁 My chose tag was #yeg, when I posted a photo from Instragram with a short description and the tag I chose, it posted to my twitter account, but the picture doesn’t show. What am I doing wrong? lol I’ve tried this a few times now with no luck…
Louise Myers says
Hi Tasha!
When I go to your Twitter page, it does show in the stream. So I think it’s working correctly!
Tasha says
Looks like it took a couple of days to kick in. Working now! 🙂 I had to come back and see if you replied, you should install the Comment Reply Notification plugin, so people know when you’ve responded. 🙂
Louise Myers says
I’ll check on how to enable comment reply notification – thanks for letting me know it’s not available! I can’t add plugins on this new platform 🙁 But I bet it’s here somewhere!