Seeking Cyan hex codes?
In its pure state, Cyan is a brilliant color that’s sure to catch attention.
But its softer tints, tones, and shades are relaxing, flattering, and well-loved.
Here you can choose from:
- 7 Cyan hues.
- 8 Dark Cyan shades.
- 7 Light Cyan tints.
- Cyan (Process) to approximate the printing ink color.
And find answers to your FAQs about Cyan!
Let’s get started.
What Color Is Cyan?
Cyan is an intensely bright greenish blue.
In RGB colors, it’s comprised of full green and full blue light, with no red.
Cyan is also the name of he blue color used in printing inks. It’s the C of CMYK.
The Cyan of the web isn’t the same color as the Cyan of printing. I’ll offer workarounds for this below.
What’s the Hex Code for Cyan?
Online, Cyan has the hex code #00FFFF or #0FF. Its RGB values are 0,255,255.
Cyan is a web-safe color that’s been seen on the web since the original 16 web colors were defined in 1987.
Cyan Color Swatch |
It’s one of the most basic colors online, but it can look dated. It’s very “Web 1.0.”
If you have a website with a Cyan background, I hope you’ll reconsider!
White is the optimal background color for a website with text you hope people will read. Or you can choose one of these off-white colors.
Or choose from soft tints of Cyan, further down the page!
What Color is Cyan Close to?
Here are six colors that are quite close to Cyan:
- Neon Cyan
- Turquoise Blue
- Bright Turquoise
- Turquoise
- Medium Turquoise
- Electric Blue
The color named Electric Cyan has the exact same specs as Cyan itself. And to add to the confusion, so does the online color named Aqua.
So those aren’t close to Cyan – they’re the exact same color.
If you didn’t think Cyan could get any brighter – surprise!
Neon Cyan kicks it up a notch. Call out Neon Cyan as #00FEFC.
Neon Cyan Color Swatch |
Here’s another color similar to Cyan: Turquoise Blue. It reduces the blue pair by just a hair, so it’s actually a bit more green than Cyan.
Turquoise Blue has the hex code #00FFEF. Compare that with Cyan’s #00FFFF. Close, right?
Spec it in RGB as 0,255,239. Notice the blue component is only 6 ticks off Cyan.
Turquoise Blue Color Swatch |
A bit less vibrant is Bright Turquoise, with the hex code #08E8DE.
Bright Turquoise Color Swatch |
Similar but a bit greener is Turquoise at #40E0D0.
Turquoise Color Swatch |
A touch deeper is Medium Turquoise. Its hex code is #48D1CC.
Medium Turquoise Color Swatch |
You can find similar and darker hues on the page of turquoise hex codes.
What Shade of Blue is Closest to Cyan?
Electric Blue is the closest blue to Cyan. It’s just a bit less intense by adding red to the mix – and with less green light, it appears a bit bluer than Cyan.
The hex code for Electric Blue is #7DF9FF, and its RGB values are 125,249,255.
Electric Blue Color Swatch |
Find more blue color codes.
Hex Codes for Dark Cyan Shades
As a shade of Cyan, Dark Cyan simply uses less green and blue light, but keeps them in equal proportion.
Call out Dark Cyan in hex as #008B8B and in RGB as 0,139,139.
Dark Cyan Color Swatch |
Here are several more shades of Cyan, from lighter to darker.
Verdigris is a little darker than Medium Turquoise, above. Its hex is #43B3AE.
Verdigris Color Swatch |
Blue Green (Munsell) is a step down at #00A59C.
Blue Green (Munsell) Color Swatch |
Next up we have Viridian Green with the hex code #009698 and RGB values of 0,150,152.
Viridian Green Color Swatch |
Another option is Blue Green. It’s a bit brighter than Dark Cyan.
The hex code for Blue Green is #088F8F and its RGB clocks in at 8, 143, 143.
Blue Green Color Swatch |
Teal is considered a shade of Cyan, and is a bit darker than Dark Cyan.
For more similar and darker shades, you’ll want to check this page of teal shades.
The hex code for Teal, shown below, is #008080.
Teal Color Swatch |
Here are a couple muted tones of Cyan. A tone has gray added.
Cadet Blue has the hex #5F9EA0.
Cadet Blue Color Swatch |
Turkish Blue is a bit bluer. Its hex is #5097A4 and its RGB values are 80, 151, 164.
Turkish Blue Color Swatch |
Go greener with 40 green color codes.
Light Cyan Hex Codes
Tints of Cyan are lighter than the parent color. In pigments, this would require adding white. But in RGB, we just add more light!
I’ve arranged them from palest to less pale.
Here’s the palest Cyan you could imagine: Cyan Mist, also called Azure Mist.
The hex code for Azure Mist (Cyan Mist) is #F0FFFF.
Cyan Mist Color Swatch |
Next is Light Cyan, with the hex code #E0FFFF and RGB values of 224,255,255.
Light Cyan Color Swatch |
Celeste is soft and sweet. Its hex is #B2FFFF.
Celeste Color Swatch |
Waterspout has a touch more color at #A4F4F9.
Waterspout Color Swatch |
Pale Blue (Light Turquoise) tones it down a bit with the hex #AFEEEE.
Pale Blue (Light Turquoise) Color Swatch |
A tad darker is Blue Green Pastel, #9ADEDB.
Blue Green Pastel Color Swatch |
Pale Robin Egg Blue at #96DED1 is a bit greener.
Pale Robin Egg Blue Color Swatch |
You can find more pale tints on the page of aqua hex codes.
How Do I Make Cyan in Printing?
Cyan is one of the 4 printing inks, so the obvious answer is to use 100% Cyan ink, and 0 everything else. You would specify this as 100, 0, 0, 0.
This won’t come close to approximating the online color Cyan. Try 52, 0, 13, 0 in CMYK for a lighter, brighter shade more like web Cyan.
Unfortunately, you can’t really replicate the almost neon nature of Cyan that you see in RGB.
Conversely, if you want to match 100% Cyan printing ink on the web, try #00B7EB, which is RGB 0,183,235.
On the web, this color is known as Cyan (Process).
Cyan (Process) Color Swatch |
For lighter colors, check out these light blues.
Is Cyan Mostly Blue or Green?
In the visible light spectrum, Cyan lies halfway between green and blue.
It’s comprised of full green and full blue light, so it’s neither more green nor more blue.
As a printing ink though, Cyan serves as the blue. To the modern eye, it’s a greenish blue, but definitely more blue.
To make the color we consider blue with printing inks, you have to add some Magenta ink to the Cyan.
What is the Difference between Cyan and Teal?
Cyan is an intense color, so bright it almost glows like neon.
Teal is actually a shade of Cyan. In printing, you add 50% Black ink to 100% Cyan to make Teal.
In RGB, you just dial back the green and blue light for Teal.
Is Cyan Closer to Teal or Turquoise?
Cyan is closer to Turquoise than to Teal.
That’s because Cyan has no red light, with full-on green and blue light. In pigments, Cyan has no black in it.
While Turquoise is somewhat muted from Cyan, Teal has much less light, or much more black pigment, making it farther from Cyan than Turquoise.
Is Cyan Blue or Turquoise?
Cyan is neither Blue nor Turquoise, but in RGB, it’s an equal mix of green and blue light.
It could be considered a neon version of Turquoise though!
Is Cyan Blue Warm or Cool?
On the color wheel, Cyan is a cool color. It lies opposite Red.
Are Cyan and Aqua the Same Color?
In the world of RGB color, Cyan and Aqua have the same specs: #ooFFFF or 0,255,255.
Among artists, designers, and the color-savvy public though, Aqua is considered to be a pastel or lighter version of Cyan.
What Two Colors Make Cyan?
In RGB colors, Cyan is comprised of 100% green and 100% blue light.
That makes its RGB values 0,255,255. Cyan has the hex code #00FFFF.
See below for how to make Cyan in pigments. It takes 3 colors!
How Do I Mix Cyan in Paints?
In acrylic paints, you can make cyan from blue and white with a bit of green added.
Check out how easy it is in this video.

Psyched for Cyan
Now you’re armed with all the Cyan hex numbers and RGB values. Which will you choose?
To pick the right color to combine with Cyan, check out color meanings.
For a deep dive into color, you might also enjoy:
What your favorite color says about you
Why understanding color is important
Or check this page for an index to all the hex codes for colors!
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