Love optimistic orange?
Here are the top 22 orange hex color codes and RGB values.
These will cover the most important different shades you’ll need.
The table contains color swatches to visualize the orange values. These are followed by the color name, hex code, and RGB color code.
Plus there’s a handy color chart you can pin!
Let’s go all out for orange.
Orange Color Code
Orange is one of three secondary colors in RGB system, along with green and purple. In RGB, orange is made by combining red with green!
The RGB color space is used by any type of display monitor – computer, TV, mobile device – which employs red, green, and blue light to create colors.
The hue traditionally known as Orange on the web has the #FFA500 color hex. This means that red light is fully on, with a good amount of green, while blue light is absent.
Orange #FFA500 color swatch:
This bright orange is reminiscent of orange juice.
The RGB numbers for this orange are 255, 165, 0. It can be expressed in percentages as 100, 64.7, 0.
This one’s not a web-safe color, but orange #ff9900 is a reasonable replacement if web-safe is required.
Web-safe orange #ff9900 color swatch:
Orange is also a secondary color in the RYB (red, yellow, blue) subtractive color system, which is used for physical media like paints.
This particular orange would have mostly yellow with a fair amount of red. It’s more of a yellow orange.
Need more info on that? Find an RYB color mixing chart with a complete guide to the RYB color wheel.
If you need to print up matching business materials, Orange #FFA500 would be represented by 0% cyan, 35% magenta, 100% yellow and 0% black in CMYK process color inks.
So the orange CMYK color code is C: 0, M: 0.35, Y: 1, K:0.
20 Orange Color Codes
Here are some beautiful orange shades, from soft orange to golden tones, to rich warm brown colors.
Check out the exact colors in the swatches, followed by the color names and color numbers.
The easiest way to grab these for your web page or design projects is to copy the hexadecimal numbers and paste them in where needed.
Color | Color Name | Hex | (RGB) |
Dark Orange | #FC6600 | (252, 102, 0) | |
Gold | #F9A602 | (249, 166, 2) | |
Goldenrod | #DBA520 | (219, 165, 32) | |
Pumpkin | #FF7417 | (255, 116, 23) | |
Fire | #FDA50F | (253, 165, 15) | |
Ochre | #CC7722 | (204, 119, 34) | |
Burnt Orange | #964000 | (150, 64, 0) | |
Dijon | #C49102 | (196, 145, 2) | |
Tangerine | #F9812A | (249, 129, 42) | |
Tiger | #FD6A02 | (253, 106, 2) | |
Honey | #EB9605 | (235, 150, 5) | |
Carrot Orange | #EF7215 | (239, 114, 21) | |
Amber | #FFBF00 | (255, 191, 0) | |
Apricot | #EF820D | (239, 130, 13) | |
Bronze | #B1560F | (177, 86, 15) | |
Cider | #B3672B | (179, 103, 43) | |
Clay | #813F0B | (129, 63, 11) | |
Rust | #8B4000 | (139, 64, 0) | |
Amber 2 | #883000 | (136, 48, 0) | |
Spice | #793802 | (121, 56, 2) |
You might want to check out more orange color names on our color thesaurus.
Like brown, the color orange is one of the least favorite colors for both men and women. But a strong choice for optimists and extroverts!
You might want to learn what it means if orange is your favorite color.
In branding, orange tends to signify affordability, as in Amazon and Payless Shoes. Or it could mean youthful, as for Nickelodeon.
If you’re considering orange for branding, you can learn more about choosing business colors.
There’s a good chance you found exactly what you need above, but if you need more similar shades I can add these later:
- Pale Orange
- Atomic Tangerine
- Syracuse Orange
- Light Salmon
- Willpower Orange
- Deep Saffron
- Safety Orange
Let me know in a comment if you found this helpful and would like more orange tones.
Pin the chart below to Pinterest! You can buy a high resolution printable poster at
To learn more about orange, check out the meaning of the color orange.
Steve says
I’d love to have those other colors of orange you have listed! Your color palate articles have been really helpful for me. Thank you!
Louise Myers says
I’m so glad to hear it! I’ll add more colors with the next update.