What’s the best Facebook event cover image size?
It differs from both the business page and the personal profile!
And unfortunately, includes a wild variety of shapes and croppings in various places, both on the app and on FB.com.
Mess up, and you might confuse potential attendees.
Buckle up for a bumpy ride…
Facebook Event Cover Photo Size 2025
Facebook loooves to mess with things. The Event Cover Photo is no exception.
The event cover image proportions seen across FB are:
- 1.91:1, used on the event page and event shares on desktop.
- 2.1:1, used on desktop and mobile app event feed.
- 16:9 for event shares on mobile.
- 1:1 (square) used on the event page on mobile.
A dizzying array of shapes and sizes!
Your easiest answer is to use a photo with no text overlay.
But of course, you want to add text that explains at a glance what your event is about.
A great idea, but FB makes it challenging to have this type of design work!
To keep things simple, use a 16:9 ratio. Most iPhone design apps offer a 16:9 crop. There’s even one in your Photos app!
This works perfectly for event shares on mobile, and reasonably well elsewhere…
EXCEPT for your event page on mobile.
If you add text, keep it to the middle. No wider than a square.
Otherwise, you’ll be faced with something like this on mobile:
Facebook Event Cover Photo Template 2025
If you use Photoshop or similar, you can use my template to see where the various crops will try to ruin your design.
This template will help whether or not you have software that lets you set a specific pixel size. You can use a standard 16:9 shape, and visualize the parts that will be cropped out.
We’ll start with a nice large image: 1920 pixels wide by 1080 pixels tall (16:9 aspect ratio).
Instructions for using my social media templates
1. Open in Photoshop or other graphics editing program that has layers.
2. Change Image > Mode to RGB (the template is an indexed color PNG).
3. Add guidelines to match template, or use template as a translucent layer for guidance.
4. Delete template from image file when your design is done.
If your design program doesn’t have layers, you can use them for size and visual reference.
Right-click and choose “Save Image As…” to download the full-size template.
How to Upload your Facebook Event Cover Photo
To add a cover photo or video to an event as the host:
1 | In the bottom right of Facebook, tap .
2 | Tap Events, then the calendar icon, then Hosting to find your event.
3 | Select your event and tap Manage.
4 | Tap Edit, then tap Pick a GIF, Gallery or Upload in the top right.
5 | Select a photo, then reposition it and tap Save.
6 | Tap Save again at the bottom.
Note: Keep in mind that you can’t edit the size of a cover photo after it’s been added to an event. source
More Facebook Cover Photo templates!
Find constantly updated cover photo sizes with FREE templates for:
| Facebook Page Cover Photo size
| Facebook Group Cover Photo size
| Facebook Personal Profile Cover Photo size
Want more?
Check out ALL the optimal Facebook image dimensions here!
Make your Facebook Event cover photo the easy way!
Try Snappa online design tool for free!
Their templates give you the perfect size, with safe zones to ensure your beautiful design looks great on both desktop and mobile.
- Create highly engaging images in minutes with drag-and-drop.
- 40,000+ photos and 3,500+ graphics – royalty-free and licensed for commercial use.
- Or upload your own photos into Snappa.
- 200+ fonts pre-loaded in Snappa.
- Or import your own custom fonts to keep your branding intact.
- Choose from hundreds of pre-made templates, suitable for a wide range of niches.
- Image dimensions for social media, display ads, blogs, emails, and infographics.
Whether you’re a pro designer or not, it’s got everything you need to create captivating graphics.
• • • Create a Facebook cover photo for free NOW! • • •
Disclosure: IF you upgrade to a paid plan, I may receive a referral fee.
This post was originally published on October 8, 2014, and last updated in January 2025.
Please share if these updated tips helped you with the correct Facebook event image size!
Jonathan says
Thanks so so much <3
Chris Rust says
Thanks for this, what a shambles, I feel I can no longer have meaningful event headers but at least you’ve clarified things.
I’ve just been looking at more modern WordPress templates and they do the same, nobody imagines that your header image may be a communication tool, they just expect fluffy feely images to set the mood.
Louise Myers says
Facebook has become rather anti-marketers. 🙁
Jackost says
Hey there,
Has Facebook changed the sizing for mobile views? It seems like the way the event photo has been cropped on mobile views does not match your mobile crop lines on your template. Thanks!
Louise Myers says
It appears that the event photo is cropped to about 2:1 on mobile, which matches link images on Threads app.Since that’s so new, I think we should give it some time.
Thanks for the heads up. I’ll note this in the article so people can work around it for now.
Saci says
Dearest Anita!
You wrote “it’s not necessarily centered”, but when you search or share the event cover appears centered in the rounded corner square image box.
(Or there is a plus positioning option that I don’t know….)
Louise Myers says
“not necessarily centered” refers to the previous sentence “If you make your cover photo at 1920 x 1005, you can expect approximately 60 pixels in width and 50 pixels in height cropped out when going from desktop to mobile view.”
You can’t count on the mobile cropping being equally applied to all sides, but it’s a small amount that you can allow for as explained in the next paragraph.
Nico says
I cant upload video header for my event, only images? Why?
Louise Myers says
Possibilities: File size should be under 1.75GB in .mp4 or .mov.
KuryGery says
Hi Lousie,
I’ve just tried to use the 1920x1005px size as you recommended.
It looks pretty on desktop as well as on mobile.
However, when somebody wants to share the event on his/her Feed, the large picture cannot be seen, but only its left side.
Once I went back to the 1200×628 what Facebook suggested, the event sharing works fine.
Did I miss something or you might missed this scenario?
Louise Myers says
That is super strange! I’ve never had them chop it off instead of resizing it. Appreciate the heads up and will add a caveat in the article in case others experience this.
Keesha Claudia Bethell says
What are the dimensions for photos in Facebook Notes?
Louise Myers says
1200 x 445 for the cover. Minimum 700px wide for photos inside your note.
Shelley Iverson says
I tried to use the bigger size and the photo got cut off.
Louise Myers says
If you give me a link to the event I’ll take a look.