Using hashtags for days of the week?
They’re the tops in trending tags!
This article has been updated with a total of 129 hashtags, day by day.
And you can grab your FREE days of the week hashtags printable at the end!
Let’s hop into hashtags…
Where to Use Days of the Week Hashtags
Days of the week hashtags are perfect for Instagram and Twitter. They get your posts and tweets in front of new followers!
You can test hashtags on Facebook. Some marketers have found they reduce your reach. If you try hashtags on FB, stick with one or two.
Hashtags work on Pinterest, but “days of the week” don’t work for Pins, which last for months, not minutes or hours.
Read the latest on Pinterest hashtags.
But they can wildly increase your reach on those 2 platforms that love hashtags!
Here’s how to use ’em for business.
How to Use Days of the Week Hashtags
1 | Before using hashtags, research them.
Hashtag meanings can change over time. And some hashtags don’t mean what you think they mean.
Some hashtags I decided not to include due to wild stuff being posted on them.
Just make sure you want your posts to live in that neighborhood – er, hashtag feed.
2 | Post early.
Depending on your time zone and your followers’ location, you may want to make your days of the week posts either early in the day, or perhaps the evening before.
Don’t post so early that it doesn’t make sense, but also don’t post #TGIF on Friday night in Pacific time, as most people will be seeing it on Saturday 🙂
3 | Save time.
You don’t always have to produce the content yourself to participate in these fun hashtag days.
Search the hashtag, find a post you like, and retweet, share, or re-gram.
Plan ahead though. Here’s how to repost on Instagram and keep it legal.
4 | Make a note.
For Instagram, keep a note on your phone with groups of hashtags that you can copy and paste quickly.
5 | How many hashtags?
Use no more than 3 hashtags on Twitter, and up to 30 on Instagram. Yes, I use that many. They work!

Monday Hashtag Ideas
Monday rocks the hashtags!
Choose one or more that suits your business if you need Instagram post ideas for Monday.
#MotivationMonday or #MondayMotivation Start the week on an upbeat note with a motivational picture quote.
Here are 300 motivational quotes to copy-paste into your own images.
#MCM or #ManCrushMonday Why not feature a male client, employee, or influencer in your niche? On a more personal note, you could feature your spouse, significant other, or BFF (but do keep it within the realm of professionalism).
#MeowMonday Here’s your first chance this week to post an adorable cat photo. Do your employees, customers, or followers have photos of their favorite felines they’d love for you to share? Ask!

#MondayFunday Share something fun about you or your business!
#MusicMonday People love to know what kind of music you (or your team) favor, and to share theirs. Or you could feature an upcoming concert, or one you attended over the weekend.
#MondayMemories Your first day of the week to go retro.
#MountainMonday Climb any mountains this weekend? Post a pic!
#MindfulMonday Perfect for a business or life coach, yoga studio, and more.
#MarketingMonday Share a tip that’s worked for your business. Maybe even send folks to this article!
#ManicMonday What’s on your plate this week? Be sure to ask your followers about their week ahead, too.
#ManicureMonday If manicures are your thing, show ‘em off!
#MondayBlues How do you beat them? Be positive, not negative, with this one.

All the Monday hashtags:
Note: For all days, these are not meant to be all the hashtags that exist. They’re endless!
Many are also used in both directions, i.e. #MondayMotivation OR #MotivationMonday. #MondayBlues OR #BlueMonday.
But I think this is plenty to get you going 🙂
#MondayMotivation #MotivationMonday #MondayBlues #MarketingMonday #MusicMonday #MeatlessMonday #MaxoutMonday #MondayRun #MondayOutfit #MindfulMonday #ManicureMonday #MancrushMonday (or #MCM) #MondayFunday #ManicMonday #MondayMemories #MondayMantra #MondayMood #MondayMadness #MountainMonday
Here are 100 Monday quotes, perfect to go with these hashtags!
Pin the Monday cheatsheet, and read on.
Tuesday Hashtags for Twitter and IG
#TransformationTuesday or #tt Show how your product or service has transformed customers or businesses. A great day for a testimonial!
#TipTuesday Perfect for any business! Share your expertise with your followers in a tip graphic.
#TravelTuesday When it fits, show where your business (or pleasure) has sent you lately.
#GoodNewsTues Everyone can use more positivity. Share a short feel-good story or video.
Or make a graphic with one of these favorite positive quotes.
#TrendyTuesday Works for fashion niches, but also a way to show how your business is keeping up with the latest.
#TopicTuesday Share your thoughts on a popular topic in your industry.
#TuesdayShoesday Spotlight on fun or interesting shoes in your office!

#TuesdayTreat Everyone like to drool over a little #foodporn! Or, offer your followers a freebie as a treat.
#TuneTuesday or #TuesdayTunesDay See #MusicMonday for ideas
#TongueOutTuesday or #TOT Show your pet, or your own silly side!
#TakeMeBackTuesday or #TimehopTuesday Your next nostalgia tag of the week. Share a vintage photo of your business or industry.
All the Tuesday hashtags:
#TravelTuesday #TransformationTuesday #TipTuesday #TechTuesday #TuesdayTasting #TacoTuesday #TuesdayShoesday #GoodNewsTues #TuesdayTunes #TakeMeBackTuesday #TastyTuesday #TuesdayTrivia #TuesdayTruth #TuesdayTreat #TurtleTuesday #TuedayTakeover #TougueOutTuesday #TattooTuesday
Dicover 150 Tuesday quotes to inspire content ideas for these Tuesday hashtags.
Pin the Tuesday cheat sheet, and read on!
Wednesday Hashtag Ideas
#WellnessWednesday or #HealthyHumpDay or #WednesdayWorkout If relevant to your business or personal brand, share a health-related tip. Perhaps your team members could take turns sharing their favorite exercise or health food.
#WomanCrushWeds Spotlight a female team member, client, or industry leader. (NOTE: Don’t use #WomanCrushWednesday anymore, it’s been banned).
#HumpDay Celebrate what you’ve accomplished already this week, and ask your followers to join in so you can cheer them on.
#WisdomWednesday (or WednesdayWisdom) An opportunity to share a smart business tip.
#WayBackWednesday Another trip down memory lane!

#WoofWednesday It’s the dogs’ day! Share a cute puppy picture.
#WineWednesday If you love wine, lift a glass to toast your followers!
All the Wednesday hashtags:
#WomancrushWednesday (or #WCW) #Humpday #WorkoutWednesday #WisdomWednesday #WellnessWednesday #WayBackWednesday #WoofWednesday #Winesday #WineWednesday #WhiskeyWednesday #WackyWednesday #WomenWednesday #WednesdayWords #WinItWednesday #WaterfallWednesday #WhiskersWednesday #WeddingWednesday
Here are 100 Wednesday quotes that fit right in with these Wednesday themes for social media.
Pin the Wednesday cheat sheet, and read on!
Thursday Hashtags for Instagram and Twitter
#ThankfulThursday Show gratitude to a client, customer, employee, or supporter of your business. Or, get your followers thinking positively by asking them to name something they’re thankful for.
Get inspired by these gratitude quotes.
#TBT or #ThrowbackThursday The most popular day of the week hashtag! Show something you or your company did in years past, your company’s growth, products or services you offered years ago.
#Thursdate Not just for midweek dates, you can post your business meetings and events.
#ThursdayThoughts Share your thoughts on a trending topic in your niche.
#ThinkPositiveThursday Got a positive thought for Thursday? Share it in a picture quote.

#ThirstyThursday In the food or health niche? Post a decadent or healthy beverage!
#ThursdayVibes How are your followers feeling this Thursday?
All the Thursday hashtags:
#ThrowbackThursday (or #TBT) #ThankfulThursday #ThinkPositiveThursday #Thursdate #ThirstyThursday #ThursdayThrowPillows #HandToolThursday #ThoughtfulThursday #ThursdayVibes #ThursdayNight #ThursdayThoughts #TGIT (Thank God It’s Thursday)
Here are 100 Thursday quotes, perfect to go with these hashtags!
Pin the Thursday cheat sheet, and read on!
Friday Hashtags for Business
Yes, businesses can have fun on Fridays!
Connect with your audience by throwing in some fun Friday hashtags.
#FF or #FollowFriday or #FeatureFriday Spotlight another user on the social media platform. They may return the favor later!
#FBF or #FlashbackFriday Yes, yet another chance to dig into your archives for a look back.
#FridayFunday Post a meme, or something fun, as people slide into weekend mode.
#FreebieFriday Your followers will love Fridays even more if you tip them off to a freebie they’d love.
#FunnyFriday Share something funny about your business, customers, or employees.
Or make a graphic with one of these funny Mark Twain quotes.
#FearlessFriday Tell a story about overcoming challenges in your business.

#FridayReads Share a blog post, or business-related book you’re reading.
#FoodieFriday Great for food bloggers, restaurants, and fitness businesses – or an awesome opportunity to post a pic of a fabulous meal!
#FridayNight Ask followers about their plans.
#ShabbatShalom Used for the weekly Jewish observance of Shabbat.
#FeelGoodFriday Post feel-good photos or quotes that your audience would love. Try these smile quotes!
#Friyay #FridayVibes #FridayFeeling #TGIF Celebrate that the weekend is here!
All the Friday hashtags:
#FlashBackFriday #FearlessFriday #FashionFriday #FictionFriday #FridayReads #FridayFacts #FollowFriday (or #FF) #FridayIntroductions #FeatureFriday #FitnessFriday #FoodieFriday #FridayFlowers #FridayFun #FridayFunny #FridayVibes #Friyay #FridayFeels #FridayNight #FactFriday #FreebieFriday #TGIF (Thank God It’s Friday)
Check out all the Friday quotes that go with these popular Friday hashtags.
Pin the Friday cheat sheet, and read on!
Saturday Hashtags
Weekend hashtags work for marketers too!
Stand out from your competition by posting occasionally on the weekend.
#Caturday Did you miss #MeowMonday? Here’s your second chance!
#SaturdaySwag Perfect to tag products you sell, or are giving away in a contest.
#SocialSaturday Ask your followers a question so you can get to know each other!
#ShoutoutSaturday Give a shout out to one of your star employees or best customers.
#SalesSaturday #SaturdaySpecial #SaturdaySale Offer a Saturday-only discount on your product or services.

#SaturdayStyle Fashion mavens, this one’s for you.
#SaturdaySweat Share your fitness routine or sweaty chores today!
#SaturdaySweets Candy stores, bakeries, restaurants, and nutrition experts can share their special treats or a recipe with this tag.
#SaturdayNight Feel free to post a photo of your fun evening – as long as it doesn’t cross the line into looking unprofessional.
All the Saturday hashtags:
#Caturday #SaturdayStyle #SaturdaySweat #SaturdaySpecial #SaturdaySale #SaturdayShopping #SaturdaySwag #SaturdayBrunch #SaturdayShenanigans #SelfCareSaturday #SaturdayRun #SaturdayFun #SaturdaySelfie #ScreenshotSaturday #SaturdayNight #SaturdayNightFever #SaturdayShoutOut (or #SS) #SocialSaturday
Pin the Saturday cheat sheet, and read on!
Sunday Hashtag Ideas
Some of the Saturday hashtags have a Sunday variation too!
If you miss Saturday, here’s a second chance.
#SS or #SelfieSunday Where does your Sunday take you? Post a pic, if appropriate.
#SundayFunday As above, but you don’t have to be in this shot!
#SundayRead Share one of your recent blog posts, or a favorite book your fans would enjoy.
#SelfcareSunday Perfect for health and beauty niches! Or post a graphic you make from one of these self love quotes.
#StartupSunday Tell a tale of how you started your business.
#SpotlightSunday Spotlight a loyal customer or evangelist.
#SundaySweets #SundaySweat #SundaySpecial #SundaySale See ideas above.
All the Sunday hashtags:
#SundayFunday #SundayReads #SpotlightSunday #StartupSunday #SundaySweat #SundayHike #SelfieSunday #WeekendVibes #ScienceSunday #SundayBrunch #SundayVibes #SundayBest #SundayDinner #SundaySesh #SelfCareSunday #SundayScaries #SuperSoulSunday #PancakeSunday #SundaySweets
Check out 100 Sunday quotes to inspire content to go with these hashtags.
Pin the Sunday cheat sheet, and read on!
Want More Hashtag Help?
Check out this post for in-depth hashtag tips on all social platforms.
How To Use Hashtags: This Complete Guide Will Make You A Pro
Days of the Week Hashtags for Every Day
We looked at hashtags for every day of the week – including weekend hashtags.
I’ve offered some suggestions. Now get creative, and tweak a few to fit your business!
Don’t forget your hashtags cheat sheet!
What do you think – will you use the hashtags for days of the week?
Leisa says
Thank you so much for this Louise! Though I understand and use days of the week hashtags I would never have thought to use so many as strategically as you had outlined. Thank you for helping to understand how to use them on each platform.
Louise Myers says
You are welcome Leisa!
Mackayla says
Love these hashtag ideas Louise, they’re super handy to have when you are trying to come up with some new hashtag ideas!
Louise Myers says
Thanks Mackayla!
Moss Clement says
Hi Louise,
This is an incredible list of hashtags. Hashtags are great marketing tools that helps your target market to find and engage with your content. However, what i didn’t know was that the days of the week have a great impact on the success of your hashtags. In fact, I’m bookmarking this post.
Louise Myers says
Terrific! Thanks Moss.
Jamie says
Great Article! In regards to the 11 + hashtag recommendation, do you have a link to the studies that show this? I would love to read them, seeing the data behind this stuff fascinates me.
Louise Myers says
I looked and followed a trail but wasn’t able to find the original post.
miete says
When you can see this information ? i just saw when already finish. instagram?
Louise Myers says
I don’t understand your question.
Jasmine M says
I have been using hashtags on certain days of the week and they have been very beneficial in the past, but I think that I have to work more on figuring out what the best time to post would be for my time zone like you mentioned.
Thanks for this post! It was really helpful!
joseph sasso says
Lousie, so ive entered a food competition, but most votes win. how do you convert likes into votes? how do you share with people who like to vote?
Louise Myers says
My guess is very few people will vote unless they already care about you. Good luck!
No Name says
Thank you so much for these Louise
Have been looking for a comprehensive list of daily hashtags and this is the best around, by far.
Cheers for your great work and inspiration!
Louise Myers says
Glad to hear you like it!
Laura says
What about #wordlessWednesday? ?
Louise Myers says
Sure! Especially if you find it’s bringing you new views or likes. I feel it’s a bit generic since the images really run the gamut.
colltte says
Thank you for this great post. Have been struggling with hashtags and posts, and your website, particularly this post really helped.
Louise Myers says
Great to hear!
Karmann says
Thank you for the fun tips! I actually do our church Instagram, and I’m always looking for fresh ideas .
Louise Myers says
Great! Glad to hear it helped.
Melody says
Fabulous article Louise! I love the days of the week idea. I’m fairly new to Instagram and have been needing a push in the right direction to up my game. More hashtags it is! Thanks for inspiring me.
Louise Myers says
Great! Glad you liked it, Melody.