Want your Facebook Profile Cover Photo size to look good on both desktop and mobile?
Facebook doesn’t make this easy, because all their cover photos display differently on different devices.
Then there’s those pesky profile picture overlays that keep moving around!
THIS post about the Facebook Personal Profile Cover is verified to work correctly in 2025.
Find all the Facebook cover photo templates and tips below.
This Facebook personal profile header template for 2025 shows the latest profile picture overlap.
Follow these links if you need to make a header for a business page, group, or event, and get a FREE template for each!
Facebook Page Cover Photo size
Facebook Group Cover Photo size
Facebook Event Cover Photo size
Facebook Profile Cover Photo Size 2025
The best Facebook profile cover photo size is in an aspect ratio of 16:9. I recommend 1284px x 724px or larger.
This aspect ratio will work on all devices, with cropping happening for the few people viewing FB on computer.
Per Facebook, the minimum width is 720 pixels, but very few people will see your header image that small. Since larger retina phones like the iPhone Max display at 1284 pixels wide, I’d go at least that wide.
Personal Profile Cover Photo Overlay 2025
While the cover photo size itself hasn’t changed, the Facebook profile picture keeps changing!
The round profile picture overlay on both desktop and mobile continues to be lower left.
But on mobile, it’s moved a bit lower for 2025, covering less of your main image.
The lower corners of the cover photo are only very slightly rounded on desktop. No rounded corners on mobile.
On desktop, Facebook will add a gradient across the top of the page, which picks up the uppermost colors of your cover photo (as cropped on desktop). If it’s a color you dislike, you’ll need to pick a different photo, or crop it differently. You can’t control the gradient color except by your choice of cover image.
You can see the desktop image loses part of the top and bottom seen on mobile.
FREE FB Profile Cover Photo Template 2025
Your free PNG template download directly below is 1284px by 724px, which is how it displays on iPhone Plus.
You can see how much crops away on desktop, as well as where the profile picture overlay is placed on both devices.
Cropping may be determined by AI and thus will vary by photo. It won’t necessarily be cropped only at the bottom.
Try to choose a photo or design an image with the interest in the top half and to the right. This should help greatly with both the overlays and the desktop cropping.
Simply right-click to save this 2025 Facebook profile template below ⬇️
You can upsize or downsize this template as you wish. If you do, I recommend doing so before you add your own photo.

Instructions for using my social media templates
1 | Open in Photoshop or other graphics editing program that has layers.
2 | Change Image > Mode to RGB (the template is an indexed color PNG).
3 | Add guidelines to match template, or use template as a translucent layer for guidance.
4 | Delete template from image file when your design is done.
If your design program doesn’t have layers, you can use them for size and visual reference.
There are more social media templates on the Resources Page.
Compare Canva alternatives easy design tools if you don’t have a favorite yet.
What If I Don’t Crop My Cover Photo to Size?
If you’re just uploading a landscape type of photo as I’ve shown, you may have no worries.
You don’t have to be concerned with people’s heads getting cut off on desktop, or losing important words on an event header.
You’ll have an option to adjust cropping when you upload it.
Plus, your uncropped image will show in full in the Facebook news feed!
Perfect Profile Pictures Every Time
With my templates, you won’t have to worry about obliterating an important part of your cover photo with the avatar overlay.
Want more?
Check out all the optimal Facebook image dimensions here!
Let us know in a comment what you think about the FREE Facebook profile cover photo template!
Kitty says
Hi Louise,
I m very confused… Your web site recommend a size of 1284 x 724 px for the cover, but when I download your template, it is only 1024 x 684 px, as the old version…
I also notice that the profile picture on the lift corner of the desktop version, at least while using Firefox browser, is a bit more high. Lastly, it seems you tests mostly with apple devises, cause on my Android, from 2020, the profile picture still shows in the center like it does on the professional page…
Thank you,
Louise Myers says
I just downloaded it and the size I downloaded is 1284 x 724 px.
I don’t test different browsers. A tiny % of people will look at a profile from desktop, and most use Chrome.
I don’t own an Android. Very strange that it has a completely different PP placement.
Theresa says
This template isn’t quite right. About half of that bottom section that is supposed to be showing on mobile does not actually show on mobile. In addition, there is a section at the top that will be cut off for desktop so you will need to add a buffer of space there. I found that cutting the bottom off and making it 620 pixels high was the correct size – that in addition to adding a bit of spacing at the top. Cheers!
Louise Myers says
Thanks Theresa. Facebook is changing all of these up again. Appreciate your heads up.
Hilaria says
I prefer to use FB (and IG and Twitter) on a computer, but I still use them all on my phone as well. I am one of the “10 people”, I guess. Especially at work because it’s much less conspicuous than being on my phone and people think I’m actually doing work. 😉
Louise Myers says
I’m with you lol. But that’s a good point, when at work, people are more likely to browse via computer.
Stephanie says
Hi Louise,
Thank you for all the hard work.
Unfortunately, I think your template for the Profile banner only, as of 2022, just changed again and the picture icon is back on the left corner of the desktop version.
Would it be possible to update the template please?
Thank you.
Louise Myers says
Thanks for the heads up! Working on it.
Phil Fox says
I’m a fan of the website! It’s simple and easy to navigate yet has all the juicy details I was looking for. I appreciate the guidance and thank you for the free templates.
Kate says
I’m sure you take a lot of time to create this, but I swear, I must agree with some previous guests…I can read sh***. Change in size font, new lines non stop, italic, black, violet OMG…., I couldn’t find a download link ANYWHERE. I found something that led me to some outside page where I can buy all templates…So, thank you for your effort but it’s seriously unreadable…:( All the best to you!
Louise Myers says
There’s a big ol’ template right in the post to download. Hot pink and purple, hard to miss.
Feingold says
You can always download the latest free Facebook mockup for Photoshop CC at http://get.profile-mockups.com
Louise Myers says
Thanks Oliver!
Gigi says
Awesome, thank you!
Mariëtte Ligthart says
Louise, you just simply are “the bomb”! You are my go-to place for social media related questions. Being a graphic designer myself, I don’t want any surprises. I mean – you PLAN your design around what is visible and what not. Thanks so much!! May you and your family be safe and healthy in this very strange time that the entire globe is currently experiencing. Greetings from South Africa.
Louise Myers says
Thank you Mariette! Stay safe and be well.
David says
I love the template. It worked perfectly for me to be able to create one image that was almost perfect right from the start. Instead of going back and forth and making 25-30 edits to get it looking great on both, I just needed to do 4-5 edits and it was tweaking very small things.
I do have one suggestions though. On desktop when others look at your page, there’s the “Add Friend”, “Follow”, and “Message” buttons that overlay the profile photo. If you could add those to your template, that would make it the best one out there.
Thanks for what you have given so far though. It’s amazing.
Louise Myers says
Great idea!
Dee-Dee Walker says
12thDec. 2019
Please tell me how I can FIND WEBSITE for the COVER PHOTO ON MY FACEBOOK? I did not write it down and need to find WEBSITE FOR THE COVER PHOTO. Hope I receive a reply from you soon.
Louise Myers says
If you’re looking to find the site where you got a photo, you can try a reverse image lookup like tineye.com or even Google images.
You’ll upload the photo and the search will return similar results.
It’s possible you may get dozens or hundreds of sites returned if the image has been used a lot. Hopefully one of the site names will be familiar.
David says
Great templates, but I really don’t like working in Photoshop. Can we have an Illustrator .ai version, pretty please?
Louise Myers says
I don’t use AI enough to know how. But I think you could import the PNG file to use as a template, or as the basis for one.
Steven says
This website and it’s content are so beyond frustrating. Chill on the SEO and stop leading people on through beyond massive articles when we are looking for a simple template. Your tactics are reproachable. Not to mention after looking for this template, ITS NOT EVEN YOURS. It’s also not free. Shame on you and your terrible writing.
Louise Myers says
There are two FREE templates in this post. I created one of them for non-Photoshop users, the other was created by Oliver who ASKED me to post it on my blog. He also wrote part of the article – for this blog specifically.
Too bad about SEO, it helps people find articles that are too helpful.
Sorry you didn’t like it, but thousands of others do, every month. I’m not ashamed of helping people out with their choice of TWO FREE templates, plus instructions.
Floyd_FrozenSoul says
A fair, well-substantiated and organized article, which is pleasant to read by its simplicity and professionalism. You answered my questions and others I hadn’t thought of. Also, a big congratulation to the designer of the Facebook profile mockup. I discover the concept of so elaborate mock-ups and am amazed that these proposed contents are free. This saves me from using alternatives like website responsive testing tools.
Once again, thank you.
Louise Myers says
You are most welcome. Thanks for taking the time to leave such a kind comment.
Antonio says
Unnfortunattly I do not get any template do download.
Louise Myers says
Sorry about that! If you want the flat image, it’s now on the page. The layered one is in the member area.
Dallas says
Can you do a template for the new layout, the circular profile pic is messing my old style up, I used to have my profile image as part of my cover photo, but the circle is not as easy to work with as the square as is the way you do the circle in the editor on facebook. T
hanks for any work you can do or pointers to get me on the right track.
Louise Myers says
Huh, didn’t know the personal profiles had changed as I don’t work with those at all. I can ask the author to look into this.
Louise Myers says
Hi Dallas, the personal profile templates have been updated, come check them out!
Laura says
I miss your old downloadable template. Like the ones you have on other pages. The PSD is nice, but yours was so simple. I love it!
Louise Myers says
Those are all still around! I never made one for the personal profile, but I have them for group, event, and business page. The personal profile has very little interest but if I ever have time on my hands I could make one too. 😉
Michelle says
Actually just keen to know the size of the personal cover? So hard to find!
Louise Myers says
Minimum sizes: 851 pixels wide and 315 pixels tall for desktop, 640 pixels wide by 360 pixels tall for mobile.
There’s not a size that works for both! Hence the template 🙂