Need Instagram profile picture ideas?
That tiny pic needs to do so much:
- Grab attention.
- Connect with and intrigue IGers.
- Make you look great!
Learn the best Instagram PFP ideas, plus best size, how to upload, and more.
Let’s go!
Why Optimize Your Insta DP?
That tiny profile pic is anything but insignificant.
Is bitty size in the mobile photo stream demands a simple design that grabs attention.
It should communicate who you are, and what your profile is about, at a glance!
But, it’s not always too small for details! Now IGers have tools to zoom in on your Insta DP.
Did you know that people draw conclusions about a person from their photo in as little as 30 to 40 milliseconds?
That’s less time than it takes to say “milliseconds!”
The small size and zooming, along with the split second you have make a good impression, means you must optimize your profile photo.
These tips are applicable to ALL social media profile pictures. I strongly recommend keeping your avatar the same on all your brand accounts.
Consistency makes you recognized and trusted.
10 Ideas to Perfect Your Instagram Profile Picture
Below are IG profile picture best practices, from start to finish. After this, we’ll go into some specific ideas that work for your personal account, too!
1. Show your face as your Profile Picture
Put a personal face on your account – unless you’re a known brand, or your business is widely recognized by your logo, use your face as your Profile Photo.
People don’t “connect” with a logo – they connect with a face. People actually tend to ignore logos, but are hard-wired to pay attention to faces. It’s only human!
These accounts should show their face:
- Coach or consultant.
- Solopreneur or freelancer.
- One-on-one service providers.
- Influencers (or influencer wannabes).
- Personal accounts.
Build the know-like-trust factor on social media by using a headshot, not a logo.
Resist the temptation to show something “cute” as a business avatar, especially if it doesn’t relate to your brand. Your face is your best calling card.
These businesses might use their logo:
- You’re marketing a recognizable brand.
- You represent a multi-employee company.
- You wish to appear more established as a company over an individual.
If a logo is a must, be sure it fits in a circle!
If you have a strongly horizontal logo, you may need to place it on a square background first. If possible, rework or stack it so it’s not too tiny to read.
Even a square logo can cause problems when cropped to a circle. See below for how you may need to extend the background before uploading your squarish logo.
You don’t need to upload a circular image! Just remember the corners will be cut off, and size accordingly.
2. Choose a flattering background
A neutral or muted background works best. Keep it simple – you don’t want a bunch of clutter in the background competing for attention.
If your background has a color, make sure it’s one that flatters you. I can’t tell you how much I fought with the greenish cast on my face from the avocado-color room I was photo’d in.
3. Find a soft light source
Your best bet is near a window, or in open shade outside (that means bright shade). Then, face the light!
Backlights are tough to master. Spotlights and strong flash will create harsh shadows.
You can try adding “fill” light with a flash exposure, but it’s best not to use it as the main source of light.
4. Go “pro”
For best results, hire a pro to take some great headshots. If that’s not in the budget, get a friend with a good camera, a good eye, and a steady hand.
If you want people to take you seriously as a businessperson – DO NOT put up a sloppy “selfie.” Make sure your photo is crisp and clear, and you look professional.
If you must take your own portrait, use a timer. Beware: your phone’s self-facing camera tends to distort your face.
5. Clothes make the brand
While we won’t be showing much of your outfit (unless you’re a model), do wear something near your face that fits your brand aesthetic.
- Adventurers, dress for adventure.
- Beachpreneurs / laptop lifestylers can dress for the beach.
- Public speakers and corporate consultants should dress like they’re ready to take the stage or speak to the CEO.
Bonus points if you wear your brand color! Plus, it’s definitely a “plus” to carry your brand colors and aesthetic through your Instagram dp and gallery.
6. Smile and show some personality!
While you DO want to look businesslike, you DON’T want to look staid and unapproachable.
Remember that people do business with people they know, like, and trust. The first step to being likeable is to smile. Make eye contact, and show your personality in your pose!
Positive vibes attract. Neutral expressions are boring.
Photo credit:
7. Experiment with angles
Beware a low angle. No one really wants to look up your nose, and you don’t need a double chin either.
Try from a little above, and tilt your head at various angles too. Take a bunch of photos and then choose your best look.
8. Crop to POP
A profile picture mistake I often see is showing too much of the body, which makes the face quite small. In the photo stream, your Instagram profile photo is tiny. Crop to head and a bit of shoulders.
It’s not about your hair and clothing, it’s about your face – that’s what will draw people in, and help them recognize you as they see you time and again!
9. Represent
How about including a small prop that expresses what you do?
Here are some profile picture ideas for business:
- Camera for a photographer
- Makeup brushes for makeup artist / vlogger
- Pretty pen for a writer
- Mic for a public speaker
- Tool for a building contractor
- Pet for a vet
On my personal Instagram account, where I post a lot of flower photos, I wear a flower crown. On my personal Facebook, I became known as the Hat Lady for often wearing intriguing little hats.
You’ll have to play with props to see if it works for you.
10. Retouch!
Any professional photographer will tell you that every photo looks better with a bit of retouching.
If theirs need it, how much more do ours?
The good news is, you don’t need to be a Photoshop wiz! You can do quick and easy edits with the PicMonkey mobile app.
I wrote about it: learn more about magical PicMonkey portrait retouching.
Check out this cool infographic I made in PicMonkey! Pin it as a reminder of these Profile Picture tips.
And then read on!
11. Use your signature filter
Bonus tip! If there’s a filter or technique you use on your images, your pfp is the perfect candidate to add this signature style.
How to Make a Cool Profile Picture
Is being trendy or creative on-brand for you?
Then you may want to take an extra step to make your profile picture really stand out.
A photo placed on a solid color background is a fresh look that’s popular on Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube thumbnails.
But can you create the look without spending hours in Photoshop?
You bet!
Many easy design apps offer a background removal tool now. Check out this video tutorial from Canva.
As Diana mentioned, you need Canva Pro for this. It’s a great tool with many premium features I think you’ll love.
Try out Canva Pro for yourself!
Disclosure: If you decide to upgrade to a paid account, I may earn a referral fee.
More Instagram Profile Picture Ideas
Read on for ideas geared towards personal accounts!
Instagram Profile Picture Ideas for guys
Be sure to follow my photo tips in the first section! Remember, your DP should be fairly close up and well lit.
1 | Use contrast. Wear a light shirt if you have dark skin, and vice versa.
2 | Include red in your picture. This could be in your shirt, hat, or background. Red clothing does flatter most guys, unless you have a very ruddy complexion (see tip 1).
3 | Pose with something you care about, like your pet or hobby.
4 | Choose a photo of yourself in an exotic travel destination.
And I think the ideas work for girls as well!
Instagram Profile Picture Ideas: Cartoon
Want a faceless profile picture? Try a cartoon!
While I don’t recommend it for business (unless you’re a cartoonist!), it certainly works well on a personal account.
There are many apps you can use to cartoon-ize yourself! Or you can have a cartoon drawn for you.
You may regret using a favorite cartoon character as that’s considered copyright infringement. Yes, that means it’s illegal, and while the chance is slight, you could be sued.
Instead, try one of the many ways to make a cartoon. Here are just a few:
- Apple Memoji.
- Bimoji app.
- ToonMe.
What’s the Best Instagram Profile Picture Size?
The Insta DP size is a mere 152 pixels in diameter on desktop (or 304 on retina display).
On a phone, it’s a scanty 110.
I recommend you start with a larger image! A 500 pixel square will work on any social network.
You can upload any size image, and scale and crop as you wish.
You do not get an option to add filters, but if you first post the photo to your Instagram stream, you can use a filter at that time.
Then Choose from Library >> Instagram album when changing your profile pic. Instagram will even show you the circular cropping.
How Do I Add an Instagram Profile Picture?
How do I add an Instagram profile picture, or change my current picture, from my mobile device?
You can take a new photo or add a photo from your phone’s photo library, Facebook, or Twitter.
If you choose to import from Facebook or Twitter, Instagram will use the same photo you’re already using as your profile picture on that social network.
To add or change your profile picture:
- Go to your profile.
- Tap Edit Profile > Change Profile Photo (iOS) / Change Photo (Android).
- Select where you’d like to import your picture from.
- Move or size the image within the circle cropping.
- When you’re satisfied, tap Done (iOS) or Next (Android).
You can take a new photo or add a photo from your phone’s photo library or Facebook. If you choose to import from Facebook, Instagram will use the same picture you’re already using for your Facebook profile. source
How do I add or change a profile picture on Instagram on the web?
You can also add a profile picture or change your current one when viewing Instagram on the web. To add, delete, or change your profile picture:
- Tap or click
- Tap or click your profile photo or the blank circle next to your username.
- Choose to upload a new photo or remove your current one. source
Bonus Tip: Update your Bio
Your bio will get more exposure with the branded vanity URL on the web, and the searchability of a web page. Make sure your bio is current, and includes your keywords!
Don’t forget to include the URL to your email list opt-in.
Tailwind is an awesome service that lets you create a branded landing page that sends a never-ending stream of traffic from your Instagram bio to your most important content.
Keep it to a handful of links so you don’t overwhelm people with choices. Place your latest or most important at the top.
You can easily “turn off” links you’ve set up and save them for later. will help you avoid problems like Instagram blocking bio links.
You’ve got my 10 top tips for a perfect profile picture.
I’ve shared my favorite fast photo fixer, PicMonkey.
And a fun way to create a cool profile picture with Canva Pro.
Plus a few Instagram profile picture ideas for personal accounts.
A great Instagram profile picture is one part of an amazing IG presence. Want more?
Learn how to grow your Instagram followers 11 ways!
Riya says
Great post! A well-chosen Instagram profile picture makes a strong first impression. Do you think AI-generated images can help create more eye-catching profile pictures?
Louise Myers says
I think it’s more important to be genuine than to use AI for a profile pic.
mariah says
Thanks for the tips and tricks. I hope following these would make my profile pictures look good and professional. I was waiting for this for a long time and now I just have to follow the steps.
Vicki Myers says
Glad I found this particular article.
A good quality, “first impression”, profile pic captures the attention of many.
My IG account, which is fairly new, is gaining new followers.
Used many of your informative tips.
Thank you! 🙂
Louise Myers says
That’s great to hear! Best of luck.
Chrissy Morin says
I just wanted to let you know that I am REALLY ENJOYING the email prompts I signed up for about Instagram that I somehow found through the magic of the internet. I’ve signed up for quite a few free training podcasts or classes and am usually disappointed that the content is really nothing more than a cheerleader for the presenter and a giant hour log ad to buy their courses. Your emails have been so informational and helpful, short and to the point, I honestly look forward to receiving them in my inbox. Bravo!
Louise Myers says
Awesome! Glad you’re enjoying them.
May I use this as a testimonial?
susi ari says
I think , i have amazing brand for local bussiness but not about my face nor my face-picture to rock SocMed.
What should be the resolution….
Louise Myers says
All explained in the post.
Lincon says
As a social media Instagram is one of the popular website in the globe, and here amount of the traffic is huge. Every point is very understandable and images made it so easier. I also tried in instagram to edit images for my profile picture but it didn’t happen in a nice way, I like number 7 point this is really ideal technique miss. These all methods are explained in a nice way, this is the one of the way from where people can learn something new and better. Nice infographic you also added here which makes it so easy to understand.
Sofia Laura Zammitto Benasayag says
Hi, Louise! Reading your article gave me a lot of insight into what I’m looking for. Taking your tips into account I was able to get a profile picture that looks professional, nice and welcoming. Thank you!
Louise Myers says
Fantastic to hear, Sofia!
alicecruse says
I read your blog it is fantastic. A long time i’ve been looking the profile picture for Instagram. This provides great tips. thanks for sharing
Rosie Lukaszczyk says
One of the best social media posts I’ve read in a long time. Thanks for the excellent details and for including a convenient summary at the end. Looking forward to your next post!
Rahim mia says
Very good tips For my business instagram profile ..Also thanks Louise Myers
BarbiieeLuv says
Why do some main Ig profile pic have a Red ring and I seen another with a blue ring … this is in every where u see the photo . And it’s not the colorful ring for the story I know that
Louise Myers says
I haven’t seen this. Could be something they added to their photo before uploading.
Lee Free says
I created my instagram page with zen-promo because I wanted make it professional. If I knew this tips before I’d do it myself but I have no regrets about it. It worked very well
Louise Myers says
Hope your account doesn’t get shut down.
Mary Wilding says
How do you create animated ring around your profile picture that you see lately on some accts? Thanks, Mary
Louise Myers says
Those indicate accounts that have a current Instagram Story available.
I like the ring, but probably not enough to do a Story 😉
Lucas says
I’m sorry but this is not a good guide. If u want to look old and out of it go for this but if u want to look cool. Like celebrities. Try and pose like and a model. You do need to have quality photos and try and use filters. You can stand back as well. It don’t have to be a selfie. You look more like a model if you stand back and take it right
Louise Myers says
Thanks for those tips, Lucas. My audience is business people. I don’t think looking like a celebrity is their priority, but I’m sure that’s important to some people – like “u.”
Akhil K A says
Extreme useful tips Louise!
Thank you so much!
Louise Myers says
Glad you liked it, Akhil!
Djina Brightly says
Thanks Louise Myers, your lovely tips have been so helpful to me
Louise Myers says
Thanks for your sweet comment, Djina!
Rakhibul hasan says
Really this tutorial is more details step by step, so that it is easier to learn for any one who want to create Instagram profile picture. Thanks for sharing.
Louise Myers says
Glad you liked it!
Wilson Halder says
Thanks Louise Myers for your helpful and very effective tips regarding Instagram.
Louise Myers says
Most welcome!
S M Rishad says
Thank for Top 5 Tips to Rock your Instagram Profile Picture , really it is a great and helpful tips . I done it directly after i read your steps and it is works . Your way to advise and explain your ideas is simple and clear.
Louise Myers says
I’m glad you like it!
Nahidul Ehsan says
Dear Louise Myers, your post is very useful that enables the users to modify their Instagram profile. Thanks a lot for sharing the post!
Louise Myers says
You’re welcome, Nahidul!
Michel says
Very Clear Steps Instagram Profile Picture tutorial. Many Day’s I Find Step by Step about Instagram Tutorial. Thanks for your Post.
Louise Myers says
I’m happy you found it useful!
Jexx Manalo says
why is that when i look my instagram account on desktop i don’t have that “cover-photo” like. i mean the pictures above my profile picture.
Louise Myers says
Hi Jexx,
I’ve heard that happens if you haven’t posted enough photos, or your account is new. Could this be the case for you?
Lisa says
Hi Louise,
Love the site and plan to browse more.
Just a quick goofball question.
I have tried and looked everywhere for info on how to post photos in the space above the profile pic. You have the example of colorful pumpkins above your profile pic, those look great. I am sure it is very simple and I am just missing something. Your assistance would be greatly appreciated.
Louise Myers says
Hi Lisa!
That’s a great question. That’s the view of my profile on desktop computer, and the photos in the banner are from my recent posts. If you’re new on Instagram, it may take a while for those to populate. But it doesn’t look like that on mobile!
Lisa says
Thanks, makes sense
Muhammad Haqnawaz says
Nice article for Instagram Profile Picture. Thanks for sharing.
Louise Myers says
Glad you found it useful 😉
Marci says
I think they are good but they don’t really suite me
Louise Myers says
Why is that, Marci?
Dear Louise,
Thank for Top 5 Tips to Rock your Instagram Profile Picture , really it is a great and helpful tips . I done it directly after i read your steps and it is works . Your way to advise and explain your ideas is simple and clear .
Best Regards,
Louise Myers says
Thanks Dr. Abdullah, I’m glad you found it useful!
Anup Roy says
Hi Louise Myers,
your post is really enjoyable and wonderful. Thanks for share with us.
Louise Myers says
Thanks Anup, so glad you found it useful.
Anup Roy says
you welcome.
Toni says
Hey Louise, I’m just wondering why my Instagram header is blank… none of my images show up there. Any ideas? Is there a setting I’m missing? Thanks!
Louise Myers says
Wow Toni, I’ve never heard of such a thing! Quite odd. Have you tried another browser?
Kevin says
Hi Toni,
I’ve got the same thing going on. I think it may just be because the Instagram profile is new. I’m reading that after you add 7 photos and a certain amount of time passes, your header image gallery will start populating. Just keep adding photos and it should show up sooner or later 😉
Louise Myers says
Hi Kevin,
Thanks, I hadn’t thought of that! If your profile is new, it may take a bit of time. Thanks!
Louise Ellis says
Thanks Louise, this has helped me a lot, simple but effective tips
Louise Myers says
So glad you found it helpful, Louise! Thanks for taking the time to comment.
Abu Fateh says
Hi Louise! I am really glad to see this your post. Amazing tips. I am going to try it immediately. Thanks a lot for your wonderful post.
Louise Myers says
Hi Abu,
So glad you found it useful.
Bijutoha says
So is there no way to change my Profile Picture by using desktop?
Louise Myers says
No, at this time there’s no way to upload any photos on desktop. Hope they change it!
Bijutoha says
Louise Myers..! Finally I’ve an option to arrange and manage my Instagram from my desktop. Hope you know about it… I made an experience on it and I want to share here in your related, worthwhile post… Hope everyone like it ….
Bijutoha says
Oh! It is after about 2 years just you said.. “Hope they change it!”
Louise Myers says
Very cool – I’ll link to your post when I update the related post where I mention InstaPic.
Emily says
Now you can, just click the person icon in the top-right corner of the screen, click “Edit Profile”, click your profile picture, and select the option you want.
Louise Myers says
Yep! It looks slightly different from my screen shot, but the process is just as I outlined.
Maria says
Louise, you’re article was great! Quick question… since Instagram updated their app and now the profile picture is a circle shape… any idea how I can make sure I upload a picture with the right dimensions/size so that it fits exactly within the “circle”?
Louise Myers says
Hi Maria!
I’m going to have to find a way to do this in a free image editor, so you don’t end up with a circle cut-out in the square box that still appears on the desktop version.
Lynne says
I am sure to rock and look great in my instagram photo after I follow your great advice. Thanks!
Louise Myers says
Go for it, Lynne!