Wondering how to change your Facebook Page URL?
It’s pretty simple, though Facebook once said you can’t.
I checked all of the Pages I admin, and the option to change the Page URL was readily available. Here’s how.
Correct for 2025! Verified current info for “New Page Experience” and mobile.
We will cover:
- Rules for your Facebook Business Page username.
- Exactly how to change your Facebook URL in 2025, whether you have the Classic or New experience.
- Best practices and cautions when changing your URL.
- Troubleshooting tips.
What’s My Facebook Page URL?
Your Facebook Page URL is the part of your web address after the https://www.facebook.com/. So in the case of my Fan Page, we’re talking about the LouiseMcom.
Facebook calls this your username. It’s also often referred to as your vanity URL.
NOTE: Here are the instructions if you need to change your Facebook Page NAME, instead of URL.

Important Rules for your Facebook Page URL aka Username
Not surprisingly, Facebook has a host of rules about usernames.
- You can only have one username for your Page or profile.
- You can’t claim a username someone else is already using.
- Usernames can only contain alphanumeric characters (A-Z, 0-9) or a period (“.”).
- They can’t contain generic terms or extensions (.com, .net). However I was able to append “com” with no problem.
- Periods (“.”) and capitalization don’t count as a part of a username. For example, johnsmith55, John.Smith55 and john.smith.55 are all considered the same username.
- Usernames must be at least 5 characters long.
- Your username must adhere to Facebook’s Terms. source
Keep in mind that you must be an admin to create or change the username for a Page.
You may not be able to immediately create a username for a new Page if you’ve recently created several new Pages.
How to Change a Facebook Page Username on Computer
I highly recommend you read the rules and cautions below to prepare properly, but if you want to jump in…
To change username in Facebook’s New Page Experience:
1 | On a computer, click the avatar at top right of any Facebook page and be sure you’re logged in as your Page, not your profile.
2 | Click Settings & privacy, then click Settings.
This new step was added last year:
In Settings, you must click Page setup in the left sidebar, then the View button to the right of your name.
3 | Now you should see the General Page Settings. Click on Edit to the right of your username.
4 | Click into your Username area. Enter a new username. If it’s available, you’ll see a green checkmark and it will say Username is available.
5 | Click Save changes.
To change username in Facebook Classic:
1 | Log into Facebook as the personal profile that’s an Admin of the Page you wish to change on a computer.
2 | Go to your Page and click Edit Page info near the bottom left side (see image).
3 | Click into your Username area.
4 | Enter a new username. If it’s available, you’ll see a green checkmark.
If it’s not, you’ll get a red warning message to that effect, and the username will revert to your current one.
5 | Review your new username and then click outside the box. A message will pop up in a small black box at the lower left of your browser saying, Your changes have been saved.
And that’s it!
How to Change a Facebook Page URL on Mobile
You can change your Facebook Page URL on a mobile device – if you can bring up the desktop version of your Facebook Page in your mobile browser.
Then follow the instructions above.
I’ve read several articles and watched a few videos saying you can do it through the Messenger app. Nope!
That was for personal profiles only. I don’t even see that any more in 2025.
Can you change your username in Meta Business Suite? Sorry, that’s a nope as well.
Unfortunately, the option is NOT appearing anywhere on mobile. I’ve poked around everywhere.
While there IS an option in the Page Settings that says Edit profile name and username, it turns out that you can change your Page Name but not your username.
For now, web browser is the only way. Not in the app.
Can I Reserve a Facebook Page Username for Later?
Don’t rely on “reserving” a Facebook URL and username!
A Page’s username can also be removed because of inactivity. Keep the Page active. What exactly that means may depend on the Page’s history.
It happened to me! I set a URL and didn’t use the Page.
Now that URL belongs to someone else!
So if you want to hold a Facebook Page URL for later, post on the Page – or Facebook may release your username for someone else to snatch up.
Can I Switch Facebook Page Usernames?
So you want to remove a username / URL from one Page to use it on another.
Or maybe you want to change your personal profile URL so you can use it on your business page.
Will it be available? How long will it take before you can reuse that name?
This has become a frequently asked question here. People either want to know if they can switch immediately, or ask:
Why is my old Facebook username not available when it’s not taken?
I’m sorry to say that Facebook does not reveal their practices for releasing previously-used usernames and URLs.
Many years ago, it seemed like Facebook never released them. But they probably realized that their growing userbase made that unsustainable.
Then I had some people tell me the release of an old username was immediate. They could apply the name to another Page right away.
I also have people say they’ve waited months and the old username still says not available.
I wish I had a crystal ball and could tell you what will happen when you try it.
But I don’t.
What I suspect about switching usernames
Facebook may have initiated a cooling off period as was noticed with changing Instagram usernames. It’s said to be 14 days.
Some usernames will never be made available again because the Business Page or personal profile broke Facebook’s ToS.
Facebook will change their mind on their policy whenever they feel like it.
I wouldn’t rely on anything you find online as gospel truth. I don’t think anyone really knows how it will work today, in your country, with your specific situation.
So what should I do if the old username says not available?
Keep checking!
On the chance it becomes available, which I think is a reasonable chance, you want to be the one to grab it.
And if it doesn’t within two weeks to a month, you can report an issue with Facebook Pages here.
I can’t promise anything, but it’s worth a shot.
Of course, like all things Facebook for Business, if you have an Ad Manager, s/he should be your first go-to.
More Facebook Page Username Best Practices
In addition to FB’s rules, here are my suggestions to get the best Facebook username:
Choose a username you’ll be happy with for the long term. It may or may not be changeable in the future!
Keep your username as short and memorable as possible, yet…
Make it as close as possible to your true name or the name of the business or person your Page represents (ex: John.Smith, YourCompanyName).
Regarding periods and capitalization, decide how you want it to look in the address bar, because users can type it in with or without periods and capitals.
This also means you can’t claim a URL someone else is using by adding periods or caps.
I did see one article claiming that periods between words makes your URL more SEO friendly, as Google likes delimiters between words. I decided to forgo periods to be more user-friendly.
If the username you want isn’t available, you’ll need to pick a new one that’s not taken yet. A username may be unavailable if it’s already claimed, even if the Page or profile it’s associated with isn’t published or used yet.
However, the username may be released if the Page remains inactive (see note above).
Cautions on Changing a Facebook Page URL That’s Already Set
Maybe you’ve decided your URL is too long, or you want to make it match your Page Name.
Changing your Page URL won’t change your Page name – the title that appears under your cover photo. However, be aware that once you’ve set a vanity URL, changing it will mean that any links to your Page will no longer work.
If you don’t search out and change the old links, when clicked, they’ll lead to this cute message:
Not so cute when it means people searching for you won’t find you!
I have some suggestions to help Google stop sending traffic to your old URL, but there is no such thing as a Facebook Page that redirects from one URL to another.
See the “Timeline for changing” section below to avoid the missing Page problem.
Also be aware: previously, Facebook allowed to change your Page URL only one time. So don’t make a change lightly – you’re might have to live with this one, or start a new Fan Page.
When it comes to social media, there are no guarantees that what works today will work tomorrow!
Can I Make Google Change the URL on my Facebook Page?
“When I google my FB name, the old URL appears and says the link is broken.”
Trying to get Google to do what you want is about as fruitless as trying to get Facebook to bow to your wishes. It just doesn’t happen.
There’s no way to submit your new URL on Facebook to search engines. You have to wait until they re-crawl the Page.
It’s possible you’re seeing a cached version of your search. Try a different browser, an incognito window, or clear your cache.
It will take time though. This is one thing that no one reported was instantaneous.
How to get Google to update your Facebook Page URL faster
Update all links to your Facebook Page as detailed below. Google loves to see incoming links.
Request Google remove your old URL.
Keep your Page active with lots of relevant content. Google will love the keywords, and the activity.
What to Do Before Changing your Facebook Page Username
If you’ve had your Facebook business Page for any length of time, and you’re active in promoting it, you’ve got that link posted in a lot of places.
I ran a search of my blog posts for my then-current “howtographics” username and was surprised to find over a dozen links.
You’ve probably linked your FB Page in at least one sidebar, header, or footer widget (I had three).
If you’ve guest posted, consider whether you left links there, and how you can access them to make the change. The last thing you want is to impress your reader, then send them to a dead page!
If you’ve linked to your Facebook Fan Page from other social accounts, you’ll need to update those too.
You may have saved a Pin on Pinterest with a link to your Facebook Business Page. You can change the URL on a Pin that you yourself pinned (but it won’t populate to repins). And if you have an Instagram account, you might have dropped a link there. Or on your Twitter profile. Find ’em all!
Check your email signature, as well as any printed materials – business cards, brochures, anything else? These will need to be addressed first 😉
As far as search engines like Google, you can ask them to deindex your old Facebook Page URL. They should eventually notice regardless. The length of time probably depends on how big or active your page is/was.
If people search for your Facebook page outside Facebook, a search engine such as Google will send people to a broken Facebook Page link for some amount of time – even if you request they remove the obsolete URL.
For me, I was doubtful many people were searching for my FB page on Google. If you feel that’s true for you, try not to worry about it ?
Work on the ones things you can control – read on for the timeline.
Timeline for Changing Your Facebook URL
Now that you’ve figured out where you’ve placed your old username, it’s time to prepare.
Before investing time or money in the following steps, ensure that you have the option to change your username! Then proceed.
Most steps are optional and some may not apply to you. Use your best judgement. These are suggestions only.
- Printed materials? Get ready to order new ones ASAP.
- Post a heads-up on your FB Page that you’ll be changing your username. Explain why.
- Reach out to blogs where you’ve guest posted and ask if they will make the URL change for you, if you don’t have admin privileges to do it yourself.
- Prepare an image or video to post on Facebook when you complete the name change.
- Set aside one to several hours (depending on how much you need to change) to do steps 6 to 9 in quick succession.
- Open all the blog posts, widgets, and social media accounts that you need to change in separate tabs. Enter the change, but don’t save/update yet.
- Go into your Facebook Fan Page and make the change following the steps below.
- Got a new username secured? NOW complete everything from steps 1, 3, 4 and 6.
- Change your email signature.
- If needed, change your Facebook Page NAME to match the new username.
- If needed, rebrand your FB Page graphics (more info on this towards the end of this article).
- If desired, inform followers on your other social accounts, blog, and email list of your change.
- Apply to Google for removal of the obsolete URL: https://www.google.com/webmasters/tools/removals
- If needed, request assistance from Facebook. Go to your Page> Assistance> dig up to find the item “Need more help? Contact support.” I can’t give you a link for this page because it doesn’t exist, it’s a form that appears inside https://www.facebook.com/business/help
Thanks to reader Marco for the last 2 pointers.
Why Can’t I Change my Facebook Page URL?
My readers keep me on my toes! Just after updating this article, Jaz commented:
I had originally been able to change it but I did not click “Request Change” since I was still deciding what I wanted the new name to be.
Now when I click to Edit the Page Name, a pop-up comes up that says “You can’t change your Page name.”
I could not find anything definitive about NOT being able to change usernames except that you must be an admin. Nonetheless, here are some things to check:
1 | Are you logged into a FB account that has full admin privileges?
2 | Have you changed your URL recently? Wait at least 3 days before trying again.
3 | Have you engaged in spammy behavior? Start over with a new Page if you can commit to NO spam!
4 | Have you ever used the Page? Inactivity could prevent you from making this URL change.
5 | Do you have hardly any, or a ton of, Page Likes? Once again, a possibility.
If you still don’t have the option to change your URL/username, you can report a problem, but don’t expect a reply (sorry).
However, if you’ve run ads and have an ad manager, contact them as they should be eager to help.
Next Steps for your Facebook Fan Page
Does your FB Page cover photo match your new brand?
Facebook’s cover photos are a bit tricky to size correctly to look good across devices!
Use my template in the article below! Or try the fast and easy way to optimized cover photos for every major social network. Design one, and optimize for another use in a couple clicks.
If you need to update your profile picture, this article is full of great tips and ideas.
This article covers just about every Facebook Page image and video size known to mankind, even ads and job postings. It’s all here!
Plan to run ads to promote your rebranded page? Great idea! Make sure they work for you so you don’t waste money.
I have loads more, but that should keep you busy for awhile!
Will You Change Your Facebook Page URL in 2025?
We covered a lot, because there’s a lot to know to be prepared.
What do you think? Is it worth the hassle?
I deliberated for quite some time before deciding it was a necessity for me.
Let me know if you will change your Facebook Page URL!
michelle says
HELP! I have searched high and low and can’t get an answer. In anticipation of a business rebrand I went ahead and made a business page with the new name so I would own it and now one else could take it. I am now ready to execute the rebrand launch and want to transfer the new name to my old business page (we have over 2k followers). How do I go about doing this??? Thank you in advance!
Louise Myers says
You can’t switch / transfer page names. You can look up about merging pages though, not sure that’s still an option or what the requirements may be.
Eduardo says
Thank you very much you saved me , i’ve been searching for this solution for hours
Jay says
You’re an effin lifesaver!!! Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!!
Vikki Baptie says
Cheers Louise, I’d been searching all over! fb/landlordchecklist is sorted boom! 🙂
Brenda says
This is more of a marketing question, but do most people use the same business page name as the username? Or is there a strategy to them being different? Can people search on either name and still find the page?
Louise Myers says
I would suggest they be the same. Searching on Facebook doesn’t rely on exact match, but popularity as well as matched words are taken into account.
Cindy says
Louise, this post is very helpful. I just finished switching to a new domain name and therefore want my FB page to be renamed.
In my attempt to change my FB page name, I added one word at the end of the original name. It was accepted.
I changed my username to the new name and it was accepted.
However, when I was debugging my blog site, I found that I had to change my open graph image. I made that change in Yoast>Social and it was here that I discovered that the FB ID was invalid.
After reading your post, I decided to change my FB username back to the original name and then the Page ID was valid again.
My concern is, if the Page ID is based on the Username, then I cannot change my username to the new preferred name. How do I get around this without creating a brand new page? Any ideas?
Louise Myers says
I’ve never heard of that happening! I would have to research it, but due to the holiday this week it’ll be awhile before I can get to it.
Wendy says
Hi. Several months ago I opened a FB account for a business and used a specific username. I did not go back to the account until recently and it now says FB has disabled the account.
Apparently I opened it as a personal account instead of business. How do I get FB to release that account so I can open a proper business one and regain that usernameWendy? I’ve looked thru their help section and found I need to submit ID which is fine however, I opened the account under the business name so my ID won’t verify anything. Need help please!!! Thanks!
Louise Myers says
Unfortunately I don’t know that there’s anything you can do. FB doesn’t always release usernames. In addition, if you set up a page that was intended for business as a personal page, that would be in violation of their terms of service, so I doubt they would release that name.
HOWEVER another reader said she was able to get FB on chat by doing this:
Go to the facebook business support (facebook.com/business/help). When you get there click on “get assistance”. Fill all the info they ask and in click on the box to explain your issue further. It will lead you to a facebook chat with a real person and they will help you to resolve your issue.
Good luck!
Wendy says
Thank you so much! But there is no “get assistance” on that page. Any other advise???
KINGA says
Hi! Facebook doesn’t accept URL to my shop on my fan page , others that I know don’t have that problem. Have there been some ad policy changes? Thank you very much
Louise Myers says
Yes, we’re seeing blocked links a lot on Instagram. I haven’t heard as much about FB but it may be similar.
If you’re running ads, you might get some response. Talk to your rep if you have one.
Michelle says
I have recently become an amazon associate, and have to share my public business page with Amazon. I have share what I think the link is to the page, but I get a replay from Amazon that they cannot access my page. I don’t know if there is a different way to obtain the link than what I am to make sure I am getting a public link they can access without being on facebook? Do you have any advice?
Any guidance is appreciated!
Louise Myers says
If your Page has age or country restrictions, you won’t be able to see it when you’re logged out of Facebook. You must also turn off Moderation and Profanity blacklist.
Keimart says
I’ve changed my Facebook page username to a new one but unfortunately the new username was unable to search. And also, I’ve change the Facebook page name but it didn’t accept the new page name that I wanted to be my Facebook page name that to be pattern in my new username.
Seeking for you assistance to fix my issue.
Thank you,
Louise Myers says
It may take time to appear in search. I don’t think there’s a fix for a rejected page name.
Justino Zoppe says
Hi I am looking for help and hopefully I came to the right area..
I currently have two different dan pages for my Magic Shows
one with just me (my one man show) and one with my larger show with full cast.
im now realizing that was a bad idea.. because its too confusing.
I want to not only combine both pages to one.. but also maybe change the name to sort of represent both shows..
can somebody help me with this?
Louise Myers says
To merge your Pages:
Go to facebook.com/pages/merge.
Select 2 Pages you want to merge and click Continue.
Click Request Merge.
If you’re unable to merge your Pages, it means that your Pages aren’t eligible to be merged. If you see the option to request to merge your Pages, Facebook will review your request.
If it’s approved then you can attempt the name change.
Baggy says
Finally after hours of searching on the internet, at last somebody, possibly the only person on the internet,who can explain why my page suddenly isn’t available.
Louise Myers says
Glad it helped 🙂
Moltres Rider says
This information is incorrect. There is no “username” option under the “about” tab when I go to it
Louise Myers says
Please be sure you are signed in as an admin on a computer. It is there, near the top, it’s the 3rd line under “General.”
alpay says
Hi Mate
I changed my business url page and deleted the page and opened one more page and i cant get the same short url name again. I know somebody didnt take it but i cant get too.
Please help me about this problem. How can i get the same url name to show clients my facebook page easily?
Best Regards
Louise Myers says
Sorry, there’s no way to ensure FB will release previously used URLs.
Steven says
I wanted to ask if I’ve got two pages and they are under different username name but I want one of them just swapped places what if amend one that is the username I want to get by adding any letter from an alphabet just to have it different username and then after saving I type to another username the one i just added a radom letter so that i can get the username which i want swapped. Would that work by any chance? Thank you
Louise Myers says
There’s no way to swap usernames. Sometimes names that are given up are released to be used by another account, but there’s no saying when or if this would happen.
Jacob Grant says
So what do I do when it says, “This username isn’t available. Please enter a username that isn’t already taken.” But it’s NOT taken?! When I go to that business username there is nothing there. How do I complain to Facebook?
Louise Myers says
Some names are simply not available, particularly if an account was deleted by FB. Even if you could complain, they won’t release certain names.
Rob Sanders says
Hey Louise, great article and exactly what I was looking for.
One question, if the URL is changed/updated, does that make the old URL available to use?
Example, I have an existing page that has content suited to another country, could I change that to /businessnameUS but still be able to access the old URL – /businessname – and set up a new page using it?
Louise Myers says
Hi Rob, unfortunately there’s no way to predict whether or when Facebook might release a previously used URL.
mehdi khabbazzadeh says
i changed my profile url but when changed it for second ,and backed to first one,not available please help me thanks
Louise Myers says
Sorry, no. way to help. Keep checking as the name may become available again.
Warren says
Sorry, also in the above examples, you don’t show how to change a business url, only your own personal URL. What if you (/louisemcom) wanted to change the URL of one of your business accounts (/abcholdings)? How would you do it?
Louise Myers says
This article is only about FB business accounts, also called “Pages” or “Fan Pages.” Nothing here about personal profiles at all.
Warren says
Hi Louise,
I have a personal facebook account, and manage a few business accounts that are linked to my personal facebook account. One of my newly created business pages has a long random number following the business name. I would like to get rid of it. How do I go about doing this? I’ve watched so many videos, and all seem to show the option to only edit my personal URL, and not a place to manage/edit the url of the business accounts. Can you help?
I am administrator for all of them, and they are all linked to my personal FB profile, and I’m currently logged is as said admin/user.
Louise Myers says
I’m confused. Did you read this article? There’s both a text explanation with screenshots and a video. Everything here is about business pages.
Ron Rivero says
Thank you thank you!
Anonymous says
This was far too long and made it extremely difficult to find the actual information. There was too much introductory and off-topic discussion, I really struggled to find the answer to what I googled, which was “How do you change your Facebook page URL?” I would highly recommend that 1) you split all this up to 2 or even 3 separate posts, and 2) give us the answer much higher on the page.
And when I finally get to the answer after endless paragraphs, it’s a video. This is extremely inconvenient if someone is unable to watch a video. I clicked on an article to read the answer, if I wanted a video I would’ve searched Youtube. At the very least, follow up the video link with a text explanation.
I give this constructive critique because your actual post is well-written and this is one of the top results when searching for this question, so I think it’s important you make this easier to browse.
Louise Myers says
I’m sorry you didn’t find it useful. I appreciate you taking the time to critique.
I do believe the cautions are important before making this change. I don’t want people saying, you told me to do X and now look what happened! Believe me, this happens, even with cautions.
Not clear on what you found off-topic as everything is about the username / URL.
The text explanation is right above the video with screenshots to make it as clear as possible.The section heading says “How to change a Facebook Page username that’s already set” and walks you through 4 steps.
The video is just an “extra” as some people do appreciate seeing it on video.
I hope you resolved your URL change and have a nice weekend!
Janna says
Hi Louise,
Great information, thanks! I think this was asked before but wanted a bit more clarification. If I change the URL of my business page (and the name) will my current followers remain intact? In other words, will it be seamless for them? Thanks!
Louise Myers says
As far as I know, you won’t lose any followers, and they will get notification that you changed you page name. Everything with FB is subject to change 🙂
Jaz says
Hi Louise,
I’ve been scouring the internet to see if I can find out a way to change my Facebook Business Page name. Thanks for putting this together!
I had originally been able to change it but I did not click “Request Change” since I was still deciding what I wanted the new name to be. Also, I am required to comply to my real estate boards advertising guidelines, which is why I need to make the change.
Now when I click to Edit the Page Name, a pop-up comes up that says “You can’t change your Page name”
Is there a way to change it? Or any way of contacting Facebook to allow me to change it?
Any help would be appreciated.
Louise Myers says
I’ve not heard of this happening in the past few years since FB has loosened their policy. Ideas:
Are you the page admin that has full privileges?
Have you changed it recently?
Do you have only a few, or perhaps many thousands, of fans on the page?
I’m not sure 2 and 3 are relevant, but it’s possible.
As far as contacting someone, I believe this is only possible if you’ve run enough ads to have an ad manager. BUT you can try this FB Page problem report.
I too have been scouring the internet so would really appreciate if you report back on what worked or didn’t!
marc says
I wish I had seen this article before changing the username yesteday. I’ve been caught in the same trap you mentioned:
“However, be aware that once you’ve set a vanity URL, changing it will mean that any links to your Page will no longer work. If you don’t search out and change the old links, when clicked, they’ll lead to this cute message: Sorry, this page isn’t available etc”
Exactly how do you change old links? I’m especially concerned that the message shows when I try to open the page directly from a Google search listing.
Louise Myers says
Hey Marc,
As far as searching out and changing links you can control, check this article on what to do before changing your Instagram username.
I don’t believe there’s a way to ask Google to reindex a page on a domain you don’t own. They should eventually notice though. The length of time probably depends on how big or active your page is/was.
For me, I was doubtful many people were searching for my FB page on Google. If you feel that’s true for you, try not to worry about it 🙂 Work on the ones you can fix.
sue says
Do you know if it is possible to unlink business facebook page from instagram through facebook? My insta account has been hacked and blocked and I can not get response on how to fix it…
I want to link a new insta account to my business fb page, but it is saying the fb business page is still linked to the hacked insta page… I cant unlink it from insta as the account is blocked…
If you have nay ideas, please let me know
Will changing my fb username unlink the page from insta?
Thanks Sue
Louise Myers says
Sorry, Sue, I don’t know. Doubtful that changing the name will unlink them though. Seems like there must be a way but I haven’t come across it.
jim ferris says
Hi Louise
thanks for this information.
Id like to know how to know if a fb page is not a clone or a phishing site.
what would be the reason for receiving this message on fb…..
….this message has been temporarily removed because the senders account requires verification….
I have this happen many times when communicating on Messenger with people promoting BTC Trading and Mining.
Youre insights would be appreciated.
Louise Myers says
Hey Jim, unfortunately this is beyond my expertise. Sounds like a FB security measure in a possibly “phishy” niche.
Lisa says
Hi Louise,
Thank you for your post. My question is probably quite primitive so excuse my ignorance! I was wondering how people who have liked my current page would be redirected (if at all) to my new page once the URL is changed? I don’t want to lose any of my followers but I need to change the URL to reflect my current business roles. Thank you.
Louise Myers says
They will not be redirected, hence the “broken link” page. You won’t lose followers. It would be extremely unlikely that they’d seek out your page by typing in the URL though. This would only come into play if they came across a link to your old page elsewhere online.
Awogor Matthew says
Detailed review but I was looking for how to edit personal profile url not for a fan page.
Thanks though
Amanda says
Hi. Great info. I think I have changed my URL before. Hence why I can’t do it again. My URL on my fb and in my ph settings don’t match. My password is correct. But if I want to say, use fb contacts to play games with, I can’t do it as the username or password is wrong. I can’t change the URL name in my ph settings?? Any thoughts?
Louise Myers says
Never heard of this problem…
Kylee says
I set up a facebook profile a while back and the URL “shortcut”, I have recently set up a facebook page and now when I try to pick the username for my page EX.)
facebook.com/xxxxxxxxx for the URL shortcut it will not let me and is saying its already taken. I have tried changing the shortcut to something completely different and saving it, but when I type facebook.com/xxxxx the page is still coming up. I have also tried deactivating my account and then searching for the page and it says page not found. But when I go to update the user for my current page its still saying the username is taken. Let me know if that makes sense. If I delete the old profile will that lock the pages shortcut and nobody will be able to use it, or will it open it up to be used?
Louise Myers says
No way for me to know or predict this.
Peter says
I setup a web page for a group. I setup the custom url for thr group om my profile page not the group page. How do I change the page the custom url points to? How do change some lower case letters to upper case letters in the url?
Louise Myers says
As far as I know, there’s no way to switch URLs. Group URLs always have /groups/ in them so it may be possible to use the same words you used in your personal profile URL.
URLs on FB work whether you type cap or lower case. If you want it to look a particular way in the browser bar, you have to set it up that way. It can’t be changed.
Ann says
hi Louise, thank you for this–I am a bit panicked about changing our business FB URL and name, but we have changed the name of our business and it needs to happen. One question that I don’t see asked above, do you know of an easy or at least thorough way to find all the places there are links to a FB page? I thought there was a way to do it and I’ve tried a few Google searches but no luck. Thank you for any ideas, or even a “no it can’t be done” answer will be helpful bc then I can stop looking and start trying to remember! 😉
Louise Myers says
I don’t know of any way to do this. A quick search only brought up results for finding links to your own verified website.
Athul says
Really helped me a lot.
I have cleared doubt related facebook page Url to make any changes.
jacke says
Ya i got it and it works well with me
Catherine Finch says
Hi Louise, I changed the URL of my FB business page, but when I google my FB name, the old URL appears and says the link is broken. How do I remove the old URL? The new one appears on my page not the old one, but the old links are still on google. I don’t know how to remove these. Please help 🙂
Louise Myers says
I don’t believe there’s any way to “remove” things from Google. I suppose eventually it’ll realize there’s nothing there. I don’t know how long that would take. You probably need someone who knows Google crawl tactics intimately to answer that!
Solowayne says
Louise thanks very much for sharing this price worthy info. I almost scratched off my wig trying to figure out how to do this LOL. Thanks alot!!!.
Louise Myers says
Glad I saved you that embarrassment! 😉
Pinoy tambayan says
I really appreciate your detailed instructions. Still, I’m stuck:
When I open my page and go to ABOUT, it simply doesn’t look like what you show on the screenshot above
Louise Myers says
It changes all the time. Scroll to the bottom of the popup window and click “see all” then you can edit the URL.
Carl Smith says
Barbara’s quite.. stunning … 😉
Jodi says
Good Morning,
I have 2 pages for my business Page A has the name and URL I want but only 6 followers. Page B is the one I want to change the name and URL and it has 525 followers. Is there a way to do this? Can I somehow merge the pages?
Thank you for your time!
Louise Myers says
Hi, there once was a way to merge pages, I don’t know if it still exists or how it works. Search for it and see what you find!
Raj says
I have used a name (Say ‘http://facebook.com/MyURL’) which lands to my particular account page. Now i need to have that URL or username to my particular FB Page.
Is it possible to change the URL name for my account and use it to my page?
Pls suggest.
Louise Myers says
I don’t know. Social media platforms change their mind on whether a name is released once someone stops using it – or permanently archived. No way to be sure what would happen.
chris says
Hi louise,
been reading through the forum trying to get an answer for my problem.
Basically i have a Facebook fan page, and recently for the first time i wanted to change the name of the page and my user name (URL).
i changed it by just removing the middle name to make me more searchable on line as no one knows me by my full name that was originally on there.
i did this successfully and the page names have changed and it has even come up in the google search results.
but when i click on the link from the google search results it basically show the sign you posted above, (sorry this page is not available, the link may have been broken or been removed)
as i say the page is still up and running but i really want to try a figure out step by step guide how to sort this? no where else online is helpful.
Louise Myers says
I haven’t heard of this, but it could possibly be a caching issue… maybe try another browser, have a friend try on their computer, or clear your cache.
Other than that, it may just take some time for Google to crawl the page again and update its records.
Vincent Candito says
How to change a location area on a Facebook page
Peter Ebuka says
Hello. Good Day. Please I wanna change my fb page the 2nd time now. my fb page has 59k likes. This is because I change the name of my website. I try changing it after writing the new name, ill submit. but it won’t change automatically. what can I do? i really need to change my page name to match with what I do.
Kristina Mendoza says
Very handy information to have! Thanks for sharing Louise!
Toni says
Hello Louise Myers,
Quick question. My friend logged out of Facebook and when trying to log back in, the section where he needs to put his email or phone number has a generic number starting with 10000….
He was wondering if he had been bugged or if there is some problems with his Facebook account. I was trying to load the picture but was unable to.
Thanks in advance.
Louise Myers says
Sorry, never heard of this.
Evita says
Hi Louise
Thanks so much for putting this together. I wonder if you have any insight into the following case scenario:
I am operating as my real name for business purposes and just used Facebook’s convert “profile to page” feature. Having read as much info as I could find about this process, I was under the impression that my Page would assume the name of my Profile in all ways, and my profile would need to be renamed. But while my page got my name, it did not get my username/URL. It is asking me to create a username for that page now, and if I try with my name, of course it says it is take and cannot be the same as my profile. To operate my business properly I need to have the page have the proper name credentials, and would like to rename my profile.
I am researching for answers, and have tried contacting Facebook to no avail, and am thinking if I modify my profile username/URL, would that allow me to give my proper name to my page? I am hesitant to do this though, as I read elsewhere that if you give up your username it becomes locked and not possible to use. But is that for others, or for me included, or would it then free up that username for my business page? I appreciate any advice or help you can offer about this case scenario.
Louise Myers says
Hi Evita,
I’m so sorry but I don’t have an answer for this. I might add that even if you find a “definitive” answer online, it may be outdated. Facebook changes things all the time.
Best suggestion is to come up with some derivative of your name. Such as “LouiseMyersBiz” or “LouiseMyersPage.”
Best of luck.
Evita says
Thanks for your reply Louise.
Margarete Eller says
Dear Luise M.
I really appreciate your detailed instructions. Still, I’m stuck:
When I open my page and go to ABOUT, it simply doesn’t look like what you show on the screenshot above. I don’t see PAGE INFO on the left side, instead, under OVERVIEW, it says WORK AND EDUCATION, PLACES YOU’VE LIVED, and so on.
Can it be that what I have is a different kink of fb page? This is my page URL: facebook.com/profile.php?id=100015433182548
and I’d like to have it be shorter to put it on my business card (like facebook.com/OhashiatsuAustria)
Thank you very much for you help!
Louise Myers says
Yes. This isn’t a business page, it’s a personal profile. It’s against Facebook’s rules to use this for business purposes.
To create a page–> https://www.facebook.com/pages/create/
Margarete Eller says
oh sorry – I think I sent you the wrong link. Here is the page facebook.com/Ohashiatsu-in-Austria-125767250877111/
Would you be so kind to check again for me?
Thank you very much.
Louise Myers says
Hi Margarete,
The layout of this tab has changed. Their should be a “general” section where you can change your username/URL. On mine it’s the first section on the About tab: Category, Name, Username.
John V Denley says
personal page URLs can be changed at http://www.facebook.com/username
Louise Myers says
Yes, you can.
Ti says
Thanks for the info. Is this working only on business type pages for Facebook? I was unable to find the Facebook URL or a section for “Page Info” on my personal page. I’d like to change my personal page’s URL to something a bit more generic to maintain some sort of privacy.
Louise Myers says
Click on “About” under your cover photo. Then “Contact and Basic Info.” That’s where you can edit the URL.
Jen says
I’ve been searching for ways to change my personal profile URL after unsuccessfully trying to rid myself of a cyber stalker that I’ve had for 3 years now. I have my contact info page open as you suggest here, but I do not see an option to edit URL. Am I missing something?
Louise Myers says
This is written for business pages, personal profiles may be different.
Anthony B. says
Hi Louise,
I’ve recently changed my business name and URL on my Facebook page, but now when I go in and edit some basic information It is not saved and I get a URL error message
Zumvo says
Hello Zumvo Here. I changed my Page Url Once and Now need some Minor changes as some other people are ranking with my same name but my Page have not written Official Anywhere can i Change it with the same method above or not ?
Secondly my Page do not show Up in Google when I search for it or any of my friend. How to Submit it to google like our website so that google may index it ?
Louise Myers says
You’ll have to check and see if you can change it. Normally, you can only change once.
Re Google Search: Make sure you have no restrictions on your Preferred Page Audience. Then, you need to create links to your page. There’s no way to submit it directly to Google.
Be patient. It can take time for Google to index your page.
David Dumonde says
Louise, thanks for the helpful article, but even more so, thanks for responding to the comments here. I’ve been trying to solve a puzzle and I think the comments from your users and your responses have helped shed some light on it.
A month or so ago I created two Fb pages, pageA and pageB, one right after the other. I was given an opportunity to create a username in the page creation wizard when I created pageA, and that was automatically set as my url. When I set up pageB shortly afterwards, I was not given the same opportunity to create a username, and About > Page Info does not have an option to edit the Facebook Web Address as you show in your article (but pageA does have this option).
The comments and your replies posted here lead me to believe that Fb lets you set up one page with a username, but if you create an additional page, you will need to meet some other requirement to be able to create a username for the second page – most likely a certain number of likes. I’m sure Fb does this to prevent people from “squatting” usernames.
I’ve actually spent a lot of time over several weeks looking for a specific answer to this issue, and I’ve only found hints here and there, but no clearly stated policy. Fb is not known for its transparency, but it would be really helpful if they included these details in their help documentation.
Thanks again for helping me clarify this puzzle.
Louise Myers says
You’re welcome, David, and thanks for taking the time to share your experience!
I believe, though never seen it stated explicitly, that you can have only ONE page at a time with a username and less than 25 (maybe 30) Likes. It would be great if FB clarified this!
One way around this may be to have another FB user (whom you trust) become an admin and set the username. This should work if they don’t admin another page with a username and less than 25 Likes.
Becky says
Hi David,
I’d just like to say thanks for posting this info. I recently created 3 new pages (1 for each of my company’s store locations) and could only change the info on one of them. I have now added someone else as admin and have managed to change the usernames. You’ve saved me a lot of hassle.
Thanks again.